Garden Planters with Trellises, and liners with advanced drainage, are a popular way to create colorful natural screen walls on a roof terrace or balcony, and at street level.
Given a few months, Garden Planters with Trellises fully engulfed with a flowering vine are one of the most colorful ways to add privacy. DeepStream’s modular planters with hidden structural aluminum frame and waterproof planter liner allow for a Lifetime Structural Warranty. There are several choices of planters and trellises to meet any application.
Do you need more privacy on your roof terrace or balcony? Landscaped Garden Planters with Trellises, tall bushes, or even trees in DeepStream’s modern wood are a colorful way to use nature to add privacy with trellises of any length or height. A hidden structural aluminum frame allows for a Lifetime Structural Warranty and there are several choices of trellis options to meet any application.
Planters with Trellises fully engulfed with a flowering vine are one of the most colorful ways to add privacy. DeepStream’s modular planters with hidden structural aluminum frame and waterproof planter liner allow for a Lifetime Structural Warranty. There are several choices of planters and trellises to meet any application.
DeepStream’s Trellis Planters are a quick and easy way to add a variety of Trellis options to roof terraces, balconies, or sidewalks without any length or height restrictions or permits.
Planters with trellises require no fasteners into a deck or through a vulnerable roof membrane. With their modular design, the planters and trellises can be installed without muss, fuss, or bother for the tenants and management. Available in tropical hardwood or low maintenance recycled plastic lumber.
Large Planters with Trellises made from wood slats and 316-stainless steel use flowering vines to create colorful privacy screen walls. DeepStream’s modular planters with hidden structural aluminum frame and waterproof planter liner allow for a Lifetime Structural Warranty. There are several choices of planters and trellises to meet any residential or commercial application.
Do you need more privacy on your roof terrace or balcony? Planters with Trellises, tall bushes, or even trees in DeepStream’s modern wood are a colorful way to use nature to add privacy with trellises of any length or height.
Jakob Swiss stainless steel mesh for a trellis is the gold standard for this product type. An amazing product, this Jakob stainless steel mesh is not really necessary to support most vines and is an expensive overkill. While the mesh size can be enlarged to reduce the cost and still effectively allow the vine to grow, stainless steel rods are actually more practical and cost-effective for most trellis applications.
Do you need to hide unsightly equipment or want more privacy on your roof terrace or balcony? Planters with Trellises, tall bushes, or even trees are a colorful, natural way to add privacy. DeepStream’s modern planters crafted with no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber and proprietary structural marine anodized aluminum legs may be pressure cleaned, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail, and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Do you need more privacy on your roof terrace or balcony? Large Landscaped Planters with Trellises, tall bushes, or even trees in DeepStream’s modern wood, or no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber planters shown here, are a colorful way to use nature to add privacy with trellises of any length or height. A hidden structural aluminum frame and separate waterproof liner allows for a Lifetime Structural Warranty, and there are several choices of trellis options to meet any application.
Planters with a Trellises made with square anodized aluminum uprights and 316-stainless steel rods are not only the most economical choice they are also the best choice for almost all plants and vines. More costly stainless steel mesh is harder to maintain over time and easy to cut while pruning. It is frankly overkill for almost all applications.
Planters with a Trellises made with square anodized aluminum uprights and 316-stainless steel rods are not only the most economical choice they also the best choice for almost all plants and vines. More costly stainless steel mesh is harder to maintain over time and easy to cut while pruning. It is frankly overkill for almost all applications.
Planters with Trellises and flowering vines trained to create one of the most colorful ways to add privacy screen walls. DeepStream’s modular planters with hidden structural aluminum frame and waterproof planter liner allow for a Lifetime Structural Warranty. There are several choices of planters and trellises to meet any application.Do you need more privacy on your roof terrace or balcony? Landscaped Large Planters with Trellises, tall bushes, or even trees in DeepStream’s modern wood, no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber, or natural slate planters, shown here, are a colorful way to use nature to add privacy with trellises of any length or height. A hidden structural aluminum frame allows for a Lifetime Structural Warranty and there are several choices of trellis options to meet any application.
This square wooden planter shows how a separate waterproof liner, supported by a hidden structural aluminum frame, prevents soil from contacting the wood and the sun from heating the root ball. It’s hard to overemphasize the importance of the separate waterproof liner to the adaptability and longevity of DeepStream’s uniquely engineered 3-component planter system.
To ensure Commercial Wood Planters will last for decades, planks are held in place by the deep slots of the proprietary structural marine-anodized extrusion, not fasteners that tear apart in the endless wet and dry cycles that cause the planks to expand and contract. The separate waterproof liner has advanced drainage and provides a thermal break against solar gain. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, all parts are replaceable and there is no paint or powder coating to fail. They will never crack like fiberglass planters can.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Planters with Gates are available on both stand-alone garden planters and cost effective modular long garden planters.
Single and double planter-mounted gates can be constructed of almost any material inside our proprietary marine anodized aluminum frames. Some popular options are:
Don’t confuse these complete planter systems with gates for carpenter-built planters that will fall apart in 3-5 years, or fiberglass planters with a 3-year warranty. Do it right the first time with DeepStream’s engineered 3-part planter system backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, and crafted using the principles of sustainable design to provide the lowest lifetime cost of ownership for you and the environment.
Easily create a competitive marketing advantage for your urban apartment, condo, or hotel building by using large wood Planters with Gates to access an expansive dog park enclosure on the roof terrace of your building. The dog park is created with wood and glass screen wall anchored by large wood garden planters which eliminate the need for penetration into your roof membrane. Modular planters can be easily removed for roof repairs, or reconfigured should your needs change.
Planters with Gates create roof terrace enclosures and dog park.
Planters with Gates give access to a double gate lock-out compound designed for pet control when entering a dog park enclosure on the roof terrace of an urban building. The secure rooftop on-site dog park is the building’s tenants’ favorite amenity.
This complete 3-part low maintenance planter system is comprised of DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum structural extrusions for slide-in-easy assembly with rugged waterproof food-safe 100% recycled plastic planter liners with advanced drainage resting on a hidden structural aircraft aluminum frame engineered to provide structural mounting points for gates, screen walls, casters, or a trellis by design, not as an afterthought.
The favorite amenity for the building tenants, this secure, expansive, glass and wood screen wall dog park enclosure on the roof terrace of an urban building is entered through a double set of Planters with Gates that form a lock-out compound for pet control. The landscaped planters that anchor the enclosure, and benches, bring calming nature to the city.
Proprietary structural extruded aluminum legs are integral to the screen wall system and its slide-in-easy assembly by even unskilled labor. All extrusions are isolated by replaceable plastic feet, and you have your choice of any appropriate panel materials. Anodized aluminum means that there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Planters with Gates give interior access to a double gate lock-out compound designed for pet control when exiting a dog park enclosure on the roof terrace of an urban building.
DeepStream designs, engineers, and manufactures its Mariner wood planter system to meet the demanding requirements of Architects, Landscape Architects, hotels, condominiums, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters or cracked fiberglass planters again and again.
Planters with Gates that meet Life Safety codes.
Planters with gates are an important part of the long wood planter mounted screen wall that creates an outdoor smoking section for this restaurant. This restaurateur wisely chose UV-resistant 100% HDPE recycled plastic lumber to save maintenance cost while looking great for decades. DeepStream’s proprietary trademark anodized structural aluminum legs and screen wall planks have no paint or powder coating to fail, so the HDPE planters, gate, and screen wall can be pressure cleaned for sanitation.
DeepStream engineers our own 316 stainless steel hinges that allow our Planters with Gates to meet life safety codes for exits, while blending in seamlessly from the outside for a sleek, modern appearance that transcends time, while withstanding the elements for decades, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
DeepStream Designs’ benches and modular Mariner Long Wood Garden Planters with Gates that meet life safety codes for exits, with 316 stainless steel hinges and latch, are all pressure cleanable for sanitation. The RPL wood planters can be landscaped to bring nature inside the enclosed smoking area, or convert to storage box benches. They eliminate the need to mount the screen wall to the sidewalk.
As with this urban street café near a University, Planters with Gates that meet Life Safety codes are often required by outdoor restaurants that serve alcohol. DeepStream’s wood or recycled plastic wood garden planters are a complete landscaping system with self-contained planter liners with advanced drainage on raised legs to ensure pests have no place to hide and compromise health code compliance.
DeepStream’s Planters with Gates are designed to make seasonal storage a quick and easy process with just a Phillips-head screwdriver. Self-contained planter liners may be lifted out of the wood planter box and stored with your landscape contractor until next season. Gates are quickly removed by lifting them out of the hinge track mounted on the planters, and stored compactly with your light garden planters.
Planters with Gates to anchor low-key Security Entrance.
Iconic structures need iconic planter designs. Here architects have relied on DeepStream’s modern commercial, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters with Gates to anchor the screen wall for a low-key security entrance. Crafted with white recycled plastic lumber, Mariner Wood Planters with integrated glass security screen wall and stainless steel door fit the ultra-modern design criteria for Los Angeles International Airport’s iconic futuristic “Atomic” central hub, the Theme Building.
Planters with Gates protect equipment and people.
Planters with Gate and HDPE architectural screen wall are incorporated in this security enclosure, preventing access to dangerous equipment.
Planters with double Gates and HDPE architectural screen wall are incorporated in this security enclosure, preventing access to dangerous equipment.
Planters with Gates are an ideal way for residents and businesses to gain private space.
21-inch high, no-maintenance 100% recycled HDPE plastic Planters with Gates are an economical retrofit that softens the hardscaped area with landscaping and creates private terrace areas in front of street-level condos in Marina del Rey. DeepStream’s anodized legs and recycled plastic planter boxes mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so they may be pressure cleaned for sanitation. That’s critically important in this active seaside marina where lots of people walk their dogs.
Planters with Gates are an economical retrofit to soften a sidewalk area with landscaping that provides street level condos with private terrace areas at a seaside marina condo project at Marina del Rey. These Landscape Architect-specified wood planters are a complete landscaping solution, containing a planter liner made with 100% recycled, LLDPE food-safe plastic which provides advanced drainage and hides labor saving drip irrigation lines.
Planters with Gates made with DeepStream’s anodized aluminum and recycled plastic planter boxes mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so they may be pressure cleaned for sanitation. That’s critically important in this active seaside marina where lots of people walk their dogs.
Engineering, Sustainable Design Details, Materials, and skilled Craftsmanship all combine to create these exceptional Landscape Architect-specified Planters with Gates.
On the ground, or up on a balcony or rooftop terrace, planters with gates can anchor screen walls and vegetation for privacy without having to penetrate the sidewalk, terrace, or roof membrane.
To build Planters with Gates backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, DeepStream engineered a rigid frame to support the separate planter liner AND the proprietary vertical upright extrusions that hold the slide-in-easy proprietary 316 stainless steel hinges that hold the gate by its frame.
Direct-mount Planters with Gates.
21″ high maintenance-free recycled HDPE plastic wood planters with gates fully closed against a magnetic latch and held by two slide-in-easy proprietary 316 stainless steel hinges mounted inside DeepStream’s proprietary structural marine-anodized terminal extrusions. Since there is no paint or powder coating to fail, RPL planters may be pressure cleaned.
DeepStream’s’ proprietary marine-anodized aluminum extrusions allow slide-in-easy mounting of the custom 316 stainless steel hinges directly to Planters with Gates. The horizontal frame of the gate is solid 1/2 in. thick anodized aluminum drilled and tapped to mount the hinges, which are held by four 1/4-20, 18-8 stainless steel fasteners that have been coated with a proprietary dielectric paste to prevent corrosion.
DeepStream’s proprietary marine-anodized aluminum extrusions allow slide-in-easy mounting of the custom 316 stainless steel hinges directly to Planters with Gates.
Wood Planters with Gates require a frame to hold the gate. This photo shows the hidden structural aluminum frame in two wood garden planters that supports the separate planter liners and the bolts that secure the vertical aluminum extrusions through the ¾” thick natural tropical hardwood.DeepStream’s Wood Planters can hold a Gate that is taller than the wood planter boxes. The wood and aluminum gate is held by an anodized proprietary aluminum horizontal and vertical frame. The gate is mounted with two of our proprietary 316 stainless steel hinges, secured by a simple 316 stainless steel slide bolt latch.
DeepStream’s Wood Planters with Gates can hold a gate that is taller than the wood planter boxes using our proprietary Terminal Extrusions which are finished with either a removable plastic or aluminum caps on top.
One of many possible latches for Planters with Gates, this wood gate is mounted with a simple, lockable, 316 stainless steel slide bolt latch to secure it.
Wing Wall mount Planters with Gates.
DeepStream engineered its proprietary rigid structural anodized aluminum frame system and 316 stainless steel mounting feet and hinges to create Planters with Gates that could hold a separate planter liner to counterbalance and withstand the torque transferred to the hinges by code-required 36” gates while maintain slide-in easy mounting. Recycled HDPE plastic wood planter boxes require no maintenance and may be pressure cleaned, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Two wing walls can be mounted to Planters with Gates. DeepStream’s proprietary marine-anodized aluminum T-leg forms one corner of the wood planter box allowing it to join the wing wall at one end. Our proprietary Intermediary anodized extrusion is mounted to the deck with stainless steel feet at the other end of the wing wall to hold the gate on our slide-in-easy hinges.
Retrofit Planters with Gates.
DeepStream’s natural wood planter boxes are secured inside our trademark proprietary anodized aluminum extrusions and are fitted with an internal structural aluminum frame that holds a separate planter liner, which allows them to be easily retrofitted with gates at any time.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
We enclose your choice of speakers inside modern planters that look as good as they sound and will last for decades.
Commercial and residential customers use our custom outdoor stereo speaker enclosures for waterproof speakers. While commercial customers often specify commercial grade D.A.S Audio or Terra stereo speakers for our enclosures, we can build planters and enclosures with non-resonating slits to fit any speaker. Bose, Polk Audio, Klipsch, Niles, MartinLogan, and Definitive Technology are all popular residential choices. All outdoor enclosures come with waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage to bypass the stereo speakers. Indoor Planter Speakers are fitted with hidden drip trays.
DeepStream designs and manufactures its exterior Planter Outdoor Stereo Speaker Enclosures to meet the demanding requirements of Architects, Landscape Architects, restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, condominiums, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters again and again.
Garden Planter Outdoor Stereo Speaker Enclosures that look as good as they sound.
Think about it — the Best Planters Speakers are the best speakers tastefully enclosed by the best planters. We don’t limit your choice; we accommodate your needs.
DeepStream’s American craftsmen have been constructing garden planters with a Lifetime Structural Warranty specified by Architects, Landscape Architects, Hotel and Restaurant Designers for almost two decades because they are simply the best wood garden planters made.
Waterproof speakers can be mounted to non-resonating mounts attached to the internal structural aluminum frame which supports the waterproof planter liners, or they can simply cover speakers and subwoofers mounted to the deck on factory isolation mounts.
Your choice of stereo speaker or subwoofer size dictates the size of the planter. Next simply chose the material for the planter box that fits your design and maintenance criteria. The planter speaker seen here is built from maintenance-free recycled plastic lumber that has a 50-year warranty by its manufacturer. DeepStream has a Lifetime Structural Warranty on our proprietary marine-anodized aluminum structural frame. As there is no paint or powder coating to fail, planters constructed with recycled plastic lumber can be pressure cleaned.
The Planter Outdoor Stereo Speaker Enclosures you see here are built with our proprietary Mariner marine-anodized aluminum extrusions; however, with our proprietary Audubon extrusions, we can build speaker enclosures out of any material, including glass, Lexan, 3form Eco-resin panels, marble, etc. Thick or thin, if it’s weatherproof, we can accommodate your design needs and client’s tastes.
Planter Speakers, outdoor enclosure of UV-stabilized HDPE marine grade plastic creates outdoor enclosures for waterproof stereo speakers and subwoofers. Internal waterproof planter liners have advanced drainage systems that bypass your choice of stereo speakers or sub woofers.
Both commercial and residential customers use our custom Planter Outdoor Stereo Speaker Enclosures for thier choice of waterproof speakers. While commercial customers often specify commercial grade D.A.S Audio or Terra stereo speakers for our enclosures, we can build planters and enclosures with non-resonating slits to fit any speaker. Bose, Polk Audio, Klipsch, Niles, MartinLogan, and Definitive Technology are all popular residential choices.
As commercial planter manufacturer specified by Architects, Landscape architects, Hotel and Restaurant Designers for almost two decades, with tens of thousands of installations, our planter boxes are engineered with separate rugged rotomolded waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage system that bypass your stereo speakers.
The gap between the separate planter box and the planter liner keeps the root ball cool and well drained for the best growing conditions while hiding labor saving drip irrigation systems and wiring for lights or outlets.
Over the decades the wood or recycled lumber planks will expand and contract inside our structurally engineered extrusions countless times with every wet and dry or cold and hot cycle without fasteners that will tear apart like other wood planters. There is a structural aluminum inner frame attached to the legs, which are isolated on HDPE feet, holding the planter liner and speakers as required.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters are a stronger and more flexible alternative to fiberglass. DeepStream has two models that are perfect for both residential and commercial projects, like restaurants and urban streetscapes.
Custom Welded Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters
DeepStream’s modern Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters on Wheels have a recessed aluminum base making them hard to tell from stationary planters. Perfect for Restaurants with flexible seating plans, to move for cleaning, roll away at night, or move inside from a balcony.
Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters on Wheels rest on a recessed aluminum base that is custom-designed at any height to allow your planters to roll over door sills or obstacles while remaining unobtrusive.
Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters made with HDPE, high density polyethylene, is a solid color throughout, so your planters won’t show scratches in the same way fiberglass or painted metal planters do, and graffiti can be easily cleaned off. HDPE plastic resists UV in sunlight and makes food safe planters safe, think kitchen cutting board, making them perfect to grow herbs and vegetables. HDPE is also waterproof, so planters don’t need a liner. Hammered Nickel and Shale are just two of the contemporary colors available.
DeepStream’s modern Food Safe Plastic Garden Planters, shown in Shale Grey and Hammered Nickel quick ship colors, are a study in rugged architectural minimalism that transcends time and fads, while standing up to urban environments, indoor or outside.
Are you looking for an attractive, lower cost commercial planter that will stand up to the hard knocks of life on the streets? Not only is HDPE a solid color throughout, so HDPE Planters do not show scratches in the same way fiberglass or painted metal planters do, but you can also use a random orbital sander to effortlessly create a unique new finish.
Two of the modern color HDPE Plastic sheets that we stock for quick delivery custom welded planters: Shale and Hammered Nickel. Shale has a “orange peel” finish, while the Hammered Nickel has a small scalloped finish. Many more colors and textures are available, call for color samples.
HDPE will not absorb paint or dirt, and as they are not painted, they may be pressure washed for sanitation. If a pressure cleaner won’t take graffiti off, it may be removed with paint remover or a light sanding, so they are perfect for rugged urban street life.
Whether for use at home, your restaurant, or commercial business, DeepStream’s customizable HDPE Food Safe Plastic Planters might be just what you are looking for. Environmentally friendly HDPE planters can be recycled again at the end of their long life.
Food Safe Plastic Planters come with a 3-year warranty against factory defects or structural failure. Equipped with DeepStream’s stock rotomolded planter liner inside, the warranty is extended to 5 years. If you’re landscaping with plants or trees that have an aggressive root system like runner bamboo or Clusia purchase, a 3/16” thick 5086 Aluminum Planter instead, as the root ball will expand to the point that it will separate any seam and even rip the strongest plastic, or fracture fiberglass.
Food Safe Plastic Planters may be direct-planted without using liners, or customized with liners with advanced drainage to extend the 3-year warranty to 5 years , while eliminating solar gain from heating the roots. As with all planters, for plants with aggressive roots like Bamboo or Clusia, we recommend using DeepStream’s rugged Planter Liners to aid in root management and replanting, or order our Aluminum Planters.
To reduce complexity and keep costs for tall planters to a minimum, your HDPE Planters can be built with inner cross-straps to support DeepStream’s landscape contractor-grade rotomolded plastic planter liners or a simple shelf for removable potted plants at any height to meet your landscaping requirements.
To reduce complexity and keep costs for tall planters to a minimum, your HDPE Planters can be built with inner cross-straps to support DeepStream’s landscape contractor grade rotomolded plastic liner or a simple shelf for removable potted plants at any height to meet your landscaping requirements.
DeepStream’s tall planters, often used by restaurants, do not need to be filled with expensive, messy soil as a ballast material for stability. Fill with a foot or so of inexpensive water and simply pull the plug to drain them and when you need to.
Shorter planters with optional liners to maximize the warranty period, improve drainage, and ease repotting. The planter liners may rest on foam block efficiently at minimal cost.
When ordering shorter planters with optional liners to maximize the warranty period, improve drainage, and ease repotting, the planter liners may rest on foam block efficiently at minimal cost.
In rainy locations, our planters include a self-regulating, variable depth ballast system that lowers the center of gravity with a water overflow port. There is a drainage port at the bottom of the planter, eliminating messy weep holes. When the planters need to be moved, they can be easily and cleanly lightened by draining the water, unlike planters ballasted with soil or other material.
Food Safe Plastic Garden Planter Prices vs Fiberglass Planter Prices. Zinc casters and mounting base for planters on wheels add between $230 and $310. Add $130 to that price for stainless-steel casters. *Note that budget pricing may change as materials costs change.
Mariner Food Safe Plastic Wood Planters with a hidden aluminum Frame and Lifetime Structural Warranty
Square and rectangular Food Safe Plastic Planters specified by Landscape Architects are available factory-direct as both stand-alone planters up to 72″, or money-saving long planters of unlimited length using our modular structural frame design. Crafted from 100% recycled 3/4″ thick tongue and groove solid environmentally friendly no-maintenance HDPE recycled plastic lumber.
Every garden planter DeepStream builds is handcrafted in America, so modern Food Safe Plastic Planters like these are created to meet your specific needs without custom fees, design fees, or wait times. Unlike fragile fiberglass planters, these will last for decades and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, not the 2–3-year warranty you get with a fiberglass planter. Separate waterproof liners are raised off the deck for easy cleaning, preventing health code violations, and hide labor saving drip irrigation and wiring for lights. With marine-anodized legs, there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so they may be pressure cleaned for sanitation.
Don’t confuse our Landscape Architect-grade Mariner Food Safe Plastic Lumber Wood Planters with carpenter-built boxes that will fall apart in 3-5 years. These are a complete 3-component engineered Landscaping System:
Anodized extruded aluminum legs, with no paint or powder coating to fail, engineered to eliminate fasteners and designed accommodate the lateral expansionary forces of HDPE plastic as it cycles through countless cycles of heating and cooling as the seasons change and the daily solar gain heats them. The legs support the hidden structural aircraft aluminum frame and are isolated from surfaces by replaceable HDPE plastic feet. Using legs of varying heights, we create an integral frame that supports accessories like screen wall, trellis, gates, and casters by design, not as an afterthought.
The planter box with maintenance-free recycled plastic lumber is contained by the frame, providing an air gap between it and the food safe plastic planter liner, which prevents solar gain from heating the root ball, and hides drip irrigation and drainage systems.
Labor-saving Landscape Architect grade Food Safe Plastic Planters made with DeepStream’s proprietary trademark anodized aluminum legs and maintenance-free Recycled HDPE Plastic Lumber may be pressure cleaned, as they have no paint or powder coating to fail. The hidden food safe waterproof plastic planter liners, fitted with advanced drainage and drip irrigation, are the perfect labor-saving planter for container gardening at ground level or on a roof terrace. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, unlike the 3-year warranty for fiberglass planters with finishes that can crack and chip.
Talk about farm fresh! No-maintenance Ipe Brown recycled plastic HDPE lumber and DeepStream’s proprietary structural aluminum legs create Landscape Architect-grade Food Safe Plastic Planters and waterproof plastic liners with advanced drainage and drip irrigation. Perfect for growing produce among the tables of a farm-to-table restaurant’s outdoor roof terrace dining area. Pressure cleanable for sanitation as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
General contractors find that the modular design of these extra-large built-in modern Commercial Food Safe Plastic Planters make them easy to install without skilled labor, cranes, or special tools. The planters and matching outdoor museum benches make the roof terrace BBQ area of this Texas apartment building a favorite amenity of residents.Tall movable Food Safe Plastic Planters on Wheels, crafted from maintenance free recycled plastic lumber, are a perfect labor-saving way to separate lounging areas for privacy while maintaining site flexibility and allowing proper cleaning.
DeepStream’s Mariner Food Safe Plastic Planters have a frame engineered to anchor integral screen walls and trellises, eliminating problematic penetrations through roof membranes or into city sidewalks.
They usually qualify for “temporary structure” status, eliminating most permitting required by building and city codes when used on roof terraces, balconies, or sidewalks. For more information on Screen Walls, click this Link.
Modern, long, Food Safe Plastic Planters have a modular structural aluminum frame that allows for quick slide-in-easy assembly without skilled labor or special tools. The integral frame is engineered to mount optional Screen Wall Panels, Benches, and code-required Gates for this custom prefabricated instant outdoor smoking section at a popular wine bar restaurant. The owner chose labor-saving no-maintenance recycled HDPE plastic lumber as it can be pressure cleaned for sanitation and will last for decades. The aluminum legs and privacy screen wall are anodized aluminum, so there is no paint or powder coating to fail.Iconic structures need iconic planter designs. Architects rely on DeepStream’s Modern no-maintenance Food Safe Plastic Planters to anchor a low-key security entrance screen wall. Crafted with white recycled HDPE plastic lumber Mariner Planters with integrated glass security screen wall and stainless steel door fit the ultra-modern design criteria for Los Angeles International Airport’s iconic futuristic central hub, the Theme Building.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Every garden planter DeepStream builds is custom, so Long Wood Garden Planters like these are created to meet your specific needs without custom fees, design fees, or extended wait times. Unlike fragile fiberglass planters, these will last for decades and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, not the 2–3-year warranty you get with a fiberglass planter. Our modular structural frame design is cost effective, using separate waterproof food safe plastic liners that can be raised off the deck for easy cleaning, preventing health code violations, and hiding labor-saving drip irrigation systems, drainage, and wiring for lights.
DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters are a complete multi-section modular landscaping system specified by Architects and Landscape Architects. Engineered with 3 components and the principles of sustainable design, they provide the lowest total cost of ownership over time for the owner and the environment.
The ultimate Long Wood Garden Planter: 800 ft. of cost-effective recycled HDPE plastic lumber, with our unique hidden modular aluminum frame and waterproof food safe planter liners, creates a parapet wall on a midtown Manhattan roof deck. Assembly time 10-15 minutes per section.
These modern, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters can be combined in runs of any length. The elimination of end panels and hidden backs makes them more economical than individual planters. They assemble in 10-15 minutes per section without skilled labor, and do not require cranes, permits, or roof penetrations. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, unlike fiberglass planters with a 2-3 year warranty, they last for decades.
A fresh creative approach to the urban landscape. Modern modular Long Wood Garden Planters make an attractive natural safety barrier between the sidewalk and autos on a busy street in an urban entertainment district.
Don’t confuse our modern, modular, commercial Long Wood Planters with carpenter-built boxes that will fall apart in 3-5 years. These are a complete 3-component engineered Landscaping System:
Anodized extruded aluminum legs, with no paint or powder coating to fail, engineered to eliminate fasteners and contain the tremendous expansionary forces of wood as it cycles through countless wet and dry cycles. The legs support the hidden structural aircraft aluminum frame and are isolated from surfaces by replaceable HDPE plastic feet. Using legs of varying heights, we create an integral frame that supports accessories like screen wall, trellis, gates, and casters by design, not as an afterthought.
A separate planter box with an almost unlimited choice of panel materials, including ever-popular tropical hardwood and maintenance-free recycled plastic lumber. The planter box provides an air gap between it and the liner, which prevents solar gain from heating the root ball and hides drip irrigation and drainage systems.
Detailed photo showing the structural T-Leg of the modular aluminum frame system used in creating Long Wood Garden Planters with a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
The hidden modular structural aluminum frame used to construct Long Wood Garden Planters supports waterproof rotomolded 100% recycled HDPE food safe plastic planter liners with advanced drainage. The resulting air gap shields the plants root ball from solar gain for better growth with less water and hides drip irrigation and lighting systems.
On a clear 80-degree day, the temperature of the outside skin of a planter, or pot, can reach 124-degrees, steaming the root ball inside, unless there is a thermal air gap between the planter box and liner, as found on DeepStream’s planter design.
Measuring a planter box’s solar thermal gain of 124-degrees on a sunny 80-degree day. DeepStream’s liner-inside-a-box provides a thermal gap so the root ball stays at air temperature.
Modular Long Wood Planters are more economical to ship and place on site than fiberglass planters or stand alone planters of any material. Packaged with every other section assembled, they save freight costs. Joining sections is slip-in easy, requiring 10-15 minutes per section with unskilled labor and a provided #3 Phillips head battery screwdriver. No roof deck, roof membrane, or wall penetrations are required.
A great way to attract commercial office tenants. Lushly landscaped Long Wood Garden Planters with Food Safe Planter Liners are a creative natural way to soften a brick parapet wall for this outdoor dining area on a midtown Manhattan skyscraper terrace. 750′ of 21″ high, cost-effective, modular aluminum frames hold slip-in-easy front and end panels of no-maintenance Food Safe HDPE recycled plastic lumber to grace the upper pedestal deck dining area for employees of the NFL on a NY high rise office building. It took just 4 days to convert a hot deck into a cool garden oasis with unskilled labor and no crane or permits.
Chic extra Long Wood Garden Planters in slate grey no-maintenance recycled HDPE plastic lumber and anodized aluminum are a creative natural way to form protective parapet walls for safety. With a Lifetime Structural Warranty, and no paint or powder coating to fail, these custom planters will last decades longer than fiberglass planters. The separate waterproof food safe plastic planter liners fitted with advanced drainage, hidden drip irrigation, and wiring for lights are specified by Architects and Landscape Architects, as they provide a better growing environment, require less labor, and provide the lowest cost of ownership for the developer, homeowners and condo association, and the environment.
Custom American Craftsmanship ensures your Project is a success, completed on time and on budget.
Lightweight Large Long Wood Garden Planters made with maintenance-free Recycled Plastic Lumber. The anodized aluminum legs and structural aircraft frame support food safe LLDPE plastic liners fitted with advanced drainage and drip irrigation, perfect low-labor for container gardening at ground level or on a roof terrace.
Talk about farm fresh! Large Long Wood Garden Planters handcrafted from brown recycled plastic lumber use food safe LLDPE liners. Perfect for growing produce among the tables of a farm-to-table restaurant’s outdoor dining area on a roof terrace. Pressure cleanable for sanitation, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Boston’s Fenway Park grows vegetables on the Strega Deck event space in low-maintenance Long Wood Garden Planters with Recycled Plastic Lumber and food safe plastic planter liners.
DeepStream is an American manufacturer with a single point of contact. You work directly with our principals who are as invested in your project’s success as you are. We have no salespeople or distributors.
Your success is our success, so we take steps to ensure your project goes perfectly, not as a “supplier,” but as a trusted member of your team. For 15 years we have been crafting landscaping systems for installations atop central financial district residential and office skyscrapers where it would be a huge inconvenience if everything did not go as planned, a part was missing, or a fastener got dropped irretrievably into a void.
To eliminate this possibility your project is completely pre-assembled, tagged, photographed, disassembled, and packaged with photo instructions, extra fasteners, and tools to ensure that everything goes together perfectly. Your team gets the instructions and receiving information before the shipment leaves our workshop so you know in advance exactly what resources you will need.
These Landscape Architect-specified, exceptionally large Long Wood Garden Planters are made possible by the hidden structural aluminum frame and waterproof food safe plastic planter liners that hide advanced drainage systems, labor saving drip irrigation, and wiring for lights.
Planters systems are often the last part of the project to be installed. Even if your as-built dimensions vary significantly from your blueprints, we have your back. The modular nature of our design and the flexibility of our craftsman-centric manufacturing process means that, with one phone call, we can have altered components shipped to you overnight so your valuable C.O. is not delayed.
DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters are a complete prefabricated modular system with many benefits:
Liner-inside-a-planter-box design eliminates root ball solar gain, hides irrigation lines, waterproof liner, and drainage.
Trademark T and L legs extruded from marine-anodized aluminum mean there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Standard leg heights: 21”, 31”, and 42″, with custom lengths available.
Rugged, tapered liners rotomolded from UV-resistant, food-safe, 100% recycled LLDPE plastic, with threaded side-wall drain ports for advanced drainage options.
A facade that meets your design criteria: wood, recycled HDPE plastic lumber, or exotic materials like 3form, slate, or marble.
Hidden structural aluminum frame is engineered to add options like casters and screen wall using wood, glass, aluminum, or 3form Eco-resin, by design, not as an afterthought.
Damaged parts are replaceable at direct factory cost with unique “core replacement program.”
Tropical Hardwood and Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL) each have their uses. Specifying UV-stabilized no-maintenance 100% Recycled HDPE Plastic Lumber makes it easy and cost-effective to go Green.
Please discuss with clients the benefits of saving the diminishing resource of tropical hardwood for future generations by specifying 100% recycled HDPE plastic lumber. Our recycled plastic lumber (RPL) requires no maintenance, lasts for decades without fading as it is UV stabilized, saves your clients money, and will look better over time than wood ever will. RPL planters may be pressure cleaned for sanitation as DeepStream’s trademark marine anodized aluminum legs mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Unlike carpenter-built or fiberglass planters with a 2-3 year warranty, DeepStream’s planters all carry a Lifetime Structural Warranty, and are proven to last for decades.
DeepStream not only makes landscaping massive areas on a roof terrace possible on converted buildings, like Boston’s Historic Exchange Place 14th floor roof deck, but we also make it quick, easy, and cost-effective. A complete lightweight landscaping system, these exceptionally large modern Long Wood Garden Planters have a hidden structural aluminum frame and food safe planter liners that hide advanced drainage systems, labor saving drip irrigation, and wiring for lights. General contractors appreciate that there is no need for cranes, permits, or skilled labor to assemble in minutes. Owners appreciate the Lifetime Structural Warranty, and that the job is done right the first time and will last for decades, providing the lowest cost of total ownership for both themselves and the environment.
Long Wood Garden Planters use a lightweight modular structural aluminum frame with double cross-bracing to landscape large areas on the roof terraces of both new construction and historic building conversion with strict load limits. Landscaping uses either modular stock rotomolded planter liners for compartmentalization or we can build custom welded plastic liners of any size.
Landscape Architects use DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum corner and T legs to create lightweight modular structural aluminum frames to build Long Wood Garden Planters of unlimited length or any rectilinear shape for major roof terrace landscaping projects. Landscaping uses stock planter liners for compartmentalization, or custom welded plastic liners of any size, drip irrigation, and advanced drainage.
Tight timeline? We eliminate delays and confusion.
DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters use American components that we keep in stock. We don’t sell products, we sell solutions to operational challenges, with a goal of crafting cost-effective solutions to your design challenges, enhancing spaces for your clients, even on a tight budget and timeline.
Nothing is off the shelf. Each solution we craft is handmade in our shop to your specifications by well-paid American craftsmen with a pride of ownership — no assembly line here. Please see our impressive list of customers with whom we have collaborated on past projects. There is never a design or custom fee; we offer volume discounts that directly reflect the cost savings of larger orders.
Do you have a rooftop with a great view that you would like to share? DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters, mounted with glass screen wall, allow you to create a protective parapet wall without blocking the views, penetrating the roof membrane, or needing cranes or special equipment. Installation time is about 15-20 minutes per section, including the screen wall.
Value engineering and design flexibility
Our commercial Modular Multi-section Planter Systems eliminate the expense of multiple end panels, and they can be value engineered. In many situations, Modular Multi-Section Garden Planters back up to a wall, so you may be able to completely eliminate unnecessary back planks, or install just the top plank for visual continuity in the winter.
Long Wood Garden Planters are an innovative, cost effective way to divide large roof decks for different uses and create protective parapet walls, while reintroducing nature’s calming influence to the urban environment.
On a roof deck, elevated terrace, or balcony, modular Long Wood Garden Planters are a perfect solution to line a parapet wall, create a barrier around equipment, demise or limit a space, control access, block dangers, or direct traffic on temporary or permanent basis without roof penetrations. Long modular planters hide labor saving drip irrigations systems, drainage systems, and wiring for lights and stereo speakers.
A creative way to bring nature and protection to urban roof terraces. Long Wood Garden Planters with hidden lightweight modular structural aluminum frame, waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage, labor saving drip irrigation, and wiring for lights, are often specified by Architects for use as parapet walls. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, your installation requires no crane, permits or special tools, assembles slip-in-easy without skilled labor in minutes, requires no cleanup, and will last for decades, providing the lowest cost of ownership to the developer and the environment.
Even years later, should the need arise to change a planter configuration or access a roof membrane for repair or inspection, modules may be disassembled and modified with a few inexpensive pieces based on our digital archives and computerized cutting accuracy.
Specified by the Architect, Long Commercial Wood Garden Planters with glass screen wall create a protective access barrier between a lounging area and pool, meeting the Life Safety building code on the roof deck of this upscale converted urban industrial loft condo.
Are you developing a hotel or condo with a lushly landscaped pool area above street level and need a protective screen wall barrier between it and a rooftop bar, restaurant, or seating area? DeepStream’s modern modular Long Wood Garden Planters are a lightweight and easy way to create essential structures for your design in an eco-friendly way, without the worry of structural damage from leaking built-in concrete planters, roof membrane penetrations, or fragile fiberglass.
Specified by the Architect, Long Commercial Long Wood Garden Planters with glass screen wall create a protective access barrier between a lounging area and pool, meeting the Life Safety building code on the roof deck of this upscale converted urban industrial loft condo.
The modular design of the lightweight structural aluminum frame creates Long Wood Garden Planters complete with food safe waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage. These very large, long, planters were installed without the need of a crane or special equipment on the roof terrace of this historic urban Chicago building. Assembly time was just 10-15 minutes per planter, with no mess to clean up afterwards.
Long Wood Garden Planters with a lightweight structural aluminum frame and food safe LLDPE waterproof planter liners are a perfect way to grow fresh herbs for this test kitchen restaurant and lounge area.
Home owners and multi-family developments can also gain a competitive marketing advantage and enhance quality of life by adding cost-effective modern modular multi-section commercial planters to roof terraces and balconies. The engineering of the structural aluminum frame holding the planter box and waterproof liner integrates options like privacy screens or trellis, so there is no need for roof or wall penetrations.
Do the job once, do it right, and enjoy the lowest cost of ownership over time for both you and the environment with no hassle. The lightweight Liner-inside-a-Planter-box design of DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters eliminates root ball solar gain and hides irrigation lines and waterproof liners, while softening the parapet walls of roof terraces with landscaping. Created with no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber and anodized aluminum legs and structural aluminum frame. DeepStream Planters with Trellises are backed by Lifetime Structural Warranty and will last for decades.
DeepStream’s Long Wood Garden Planters with Trellises specified by Landscape Architects integrate separate waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage for a complete lightweight system that provides a perfect environment for lush landscaping for new construction or re-purposed building projects with roof terraces. Planters can anchor screen wall or trellises for privacy without penetrating the roof membrane.
Commercial grade modern Long Wood Garden Planters can be easily configured for a seamless built-in look. The modular lightweight structural aluminum frame makes assembly slip-in-easy using the provided screwdriver.
Lightweight commercial Long Wood Garden Planters are easy to assemble and configured for a seamless built-in look. Get exactly the configuration you need. All orders are made to order; there is never a custom or design fee, and we offer volume discounts. Order with recycled plastic lumber panels and you can pressure clean your planters. The legs are anodized aluminum, so there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
A great view like this can be a marketing advantage for a residential building or a restaurant on a rooftop terrace. DeepStream’s modern Long Wood Garden Planters, mounted with glass screen wall, allow you to create a protective parapet wall without blocking the views, penetrating the roof membrane, or needing cranes or special equipment. Installation time is about 15 -20 minutes including the screen wall.
General contractors find that the modular design of these extra-large Long Wood Garden Planters make them easy to install without skilled labor, cranes, or any tools. The planters, and matching outdoor museum benches, make the roof terrace BBQ area of this Texas apartment building a favorite amenity of residents.
Developers, Architects, and Property Managers use modern, modular, large, Long Wood Garden Planters to add visual interest, dividing up large areas. They are a creative way to provide safety barriers between levels while creating a more natural, cooling, and attractive atmosphere for outdoor seating and dining areas. Property owners value the Lifetime Structural Warranty and that these planters will last for decades, providing the lowest cost of ownership over time for them and the environment.
Long Wood Garden Planters with hidden internal modular aluminum frames and waterproof liners with advanced drainage are an enduring classic. Perfect to separate dining spaces and act as protective parapet walls for safety around steps between levels on this city center plaza. They also deter skateboarders.
Every garden planter DeepStream builds is custom, so modern modular commercial Long Wood Garden Planters with liners like these are created to meet your specific need without custom fees, design fees, or wait times. Unlike fragile fiberglass planters, these will last for decades and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, not the 2–3-year warranty you get with a fiberglass planter.
Developers use DeepStream’s cost effective modular commercial grade Long Wood Garden Planters specified by Landscape Architects to control access naturally while creating space for social interaction with ample room for safe physical distancing. The modular nature of the structural aluminum frame allows these planters to be easily assembled without skilled labor, and moved, or reconfigured should needs change. With a Lifetime Structural Warranty and no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber boxes and anodized aluminum legs, they may be pressure cleaned, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Modern, modular, commercial, Long Wood Garden Planters crafted with no-maintenance tropical hardwood-colored recycled plastic lumber, use a modular structural aluminum frame to limit access to a movie theater’s outdoor dining area, while creating space for social interaction with ample room for safe physical distancing. Separate food safe plastic planter liners inside the modular planters have an advanced drainage system and hide drip irrigation lines for a labor-saving installation with a clean modern look.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
Our 21.5” high multi-section planters, with panels on all four sides, run about $325-$350/linear foot, including commercial-grade molded plastic liners. For 31.5″ high multi-section planters add 20-25%.
We’ve built many value engineered, budget stretching, one-sided facades for permanent installation along walls—why spend money on the back side of a beautiful planter wall that no one will see? No-maintenance recycled plastic lumber planters with DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized legs save labor, as they can be pressure cleaned, since there is no paint or powder coating to fail. they also hide labor saving drip irrigation systems, drainage systems, and wiring for lights.
While there are volume discounts, there is never a design fee or custom fee. Custom planters really do not cost more, but prices vary depending on size, material yields, and set up times.
Depending on your project’s needs, planter liners can be installed raised with the structural aluminum frame supporting the liners or sitting on foam blocks. Projects requiring large, deeper planters may benefit from self-supporting liners sitting on foam roofing blocks to save materials and money.
DeepStream’s trademark corners and T legs allows the easy straight forward assembly of a modern, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters. This one is crafted from natural Ipe tropical hardwood. This planter will use stock planter liners suspended from the aircraft aluminum frame.
DeepStream’s trademark corner and T legs allows for easy, straight forward, assembly of modern, Long Wood Garden Planters. This example is made with no-maintenance Tropical Hardwood colored 100% recycled HDPE food safe plastic lumber. A value engineered planter, this one will use food safe waterproof plastic planter liners supported on foam blocks instead of suspended from the structural aluminum frame.
DeepStream’s commercial quality lightweight, modern, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters are ideal to anchor trellises, enclosures with gates, or screen walls for privacy, access control, security, or protection without costly, problematic roof membrane penetrations.
Architects and General Contractors choose DeepStream’s simple, completely integrated, commercial modular Long Wood Garden Planter systems, with stock or custom planter liners, to provide the lowest installed cost of ownership for their customer and the environment. They are often used to anchor large privacy screen walls because there are no costly, problematic roof penetrations, or permits. They save labor costs by assembling slip-in-easy without skilled labor, they do not need cranes or special tools, and there is no mess to clean up. Unlike fiberglass, they will not heat up in the sun, streaming the root ball. They hide liners with advanced drainage and labor-saving drip irrigation systems, as well as electrical cabling for lights. DeepStream’s commercial planters last for decades, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, whereas a fiberglass planter will only have a 2-to-3-year warranty, if there is any warranty at all.
Modern, commercial, Long Wood Garden Planters with screen wall and trellises are a beautiful way to create privacy and separate seating areas on any urban roof terrace. The modular lightweight structural aluminum frame design makes them fast and easy to install without cranes, skilled labor, or mess. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, they will last for decades providing the lowest cost of ownership for you and the environment. The rugged waterproof stock planter liners with advanced drainage hide drip irrigation systems to create the perfect growing environment.
DeepStream’s stand-alone and modular Long Wood Garden Planters can be ordered with our trademark Mariner extrusions in differential heights to create integrated screen wall panels. Planter anchored Screen Walls can be made from any appropriate material, including wood or aluminum planks, or full panels of glass, 3form Eco-Resin, acrylic, or with laser-cut designs from many weatherproof materials.
The modular lightweight structural aluminum frame makes it easy to place and assemble these exceptionally Long Wood Garden Planters without skilled labor or cranes. Integrated wood and glass screen walls create a dog park complete with double gate entry on the roof terrace of this re-purposed urban loft building.
Turn your building’s underutilized roof terrace into a competitive marketing advantage. Modern, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters mounted with wood and glass screen wall can quickly create a roof deck dog park enclosure with slip-in-easy assembly. Complete with a double planter-mounted gate capture compound for animal control, it will be your tenants’ favorite amenity. DeepStream’s lightweight modular screen walls are a complete custom system that sets up quickly with unskilled labor or cranes. They are temporary structures for permitting, as they do not require roof penetrations, so they may be moved for roof repairs or reconfigured if needs change.
A roof terrace dog park, complete with a double planter-mounted gate capture compound for animal control, will be your tenants’ favorite amenity, giving your property a competitive marketing advantage. DeepStream’s lightweight modern commercial Long Wood Garden Planters anchor screen walls and gates. A complete self-contained custom landscaping and enclosure system that sets up quickly with slip-in-easy assembly by unskilled labor, and without needing a crane. They are temporary structures for permitting, as they do not require roof penetrations, so they may be moved for roof repairs or reconfigured.
Modern commercial Long Wood Garden Planters have a modular structural aluminum frame that allows for quick slide-in-easy assembly without skilled labor or special tools. The integral frame allows the addition of optional Screen Wall Panels, Benches, and code-required Planter Mounted Gates for this custom prefabricated instant outdoor smoking section at a popular wine bar restaurant. The owner chose labor saving no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber, as it can be pressure cleaned for sanitation and will last for decades. The aluminum legs and privacy screen wall are anodized aluminum, so there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
DeepStream’s modern, modular, commercial Long Wood Garden Planters with anodized aluminum screen wall enclose a restaurant’s pop-up-quick outdoor smoking area, complete with code-approved planter mounted gates, bench seats, matching ash-trash receptacles, and landscaping. Anchored by planters, nothing is fastened to the sidewalk.
Modern Mariner Long Wood Garden Planters, Planter Mounted Gate, Anodized Aluminum Screen Wall, and Storage Boxes Benches are crafted from no-maintenance 100% recycled HDPE plastic UV-stabilized lumber. The anodized aluminum and recycled plastic lumber mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so they may be pressure cleaned for low-cost maintenance and sanitation. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
DeepStream’s attractive modern commercial Ipe Long Wood Garden Planters are a complete landscaping system with waterproof liners and advanced drainage which can also anchor screen walls, enclosures, and gates to control access. They are a creative, quick, and cost-effective solution to draw attention to a restaurant with customer appeal, while expanding outdoor seating for additional revenue.
DeepStream’s attractive modern modular commercial Ipe Long Wood Garden Planters are a complete landscaping system which can also anchor screen walls, enclosures, and gates to control access.
Glass screen wall panels mounted to Long Wood Garden Planters slip securely into place using custom thermoplastic rubber edge guards and HDPE inserts.
Ultra-Modern, modular, commercial Long Wood Garden Planters anchor Security Screen Wall at LAX.
Iconic structures need iconic planter designs. Architects rely on DeepStream’s modern commercial, modular, Long Wood Garden Planters to anchor a low-key security entrance screen wall. Crafted with white recycled plastic lumber Mariner Planters with integrated glass security screen wall and stainless-steel door fit the ultra-modern design criteria for Los Angeles International Airport’s iconic futuristic “Atomic” central hub, the Theme Building.
This 4-module commercial Long Wood Garden Planter with 7 aluminum screen walls down the center will be used to separate two condo patios. It sets up in minutes with no tools required. Modular planters ship assembled; the joining screen sections are two panels that simply slip into the channels of DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized aluminum extrusions. These planters are built with no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber and may be pressure washed, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.4-module commercial Long Wood Garden Planters with 7 screen wall sections, shown with one of the two joining panels removed for illustration. All parts are replaceable.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
DeepStream supplies modern, high-quality outdoor planters in any material, size and shape you are looking for.
Modern Planters by DeepStream crafted in wood, aluminum, and plastic are all custom, so tall, square, rectangular, or long like these sleek modern wood planters, are created to meet your specific needs without custom fees, design fees, or extended wait times. Unlike fragile fiberglass planters, these high-quality modern outdoor planters, constructed with no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber with a hidden structural aluminum frame, will last for decades and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, not the 2–3-year warranty you get with a fiberglass planter. Separate waterproof liners are raised off the deck for easy cleaning, preventing health code violations, and hide labor-saving drip irrigation systems and wiring for lights.
Modern Planters: high-quality wood, fiberglass, plastic, aluminum, concrete, commercial, residential, round, square, tall, short, long, indoor, outdoor – DeepStream provides them all.
A timeless Modern Planter with a sophisticated form cast in polished concrete creates a dramatic entrance to any building.
Modern Planters with a recessed aluminum base for mounting casters make these practical Modern Planters with Wheels hard to tell from stationary planters. Move them from shade to sun, roll them indoor for parties or at night. Perfect for creating a flexible seating plan at an outdoor restaurant or event space.
Modern Planters constructed of UV-stabilized HDPE food-safe plastic are converted into Planters on Wheels with a recessed aluminum base that is custom designed at any height to allow your planters to roll over door sills or other obstacles, while remaining unobtrusive.
DeepStream is an American custom manufacturer selling direct to you. Our craftsmen can help you turn your ideas for Modern Planters into reality, efficiently and on a compressed timeline. Cost-effective, lightweight square and rectangular stand-alone modern planter sections up to 72″, and lightweight multi-section modern planters of unlimited length.
Self-contained Modern Planters in your choice of tropical hardwood or no-maintenance 100% recycled plastic lumber by American craftsmen. A hidden structural aluminum frame supports a waterproof planter liner, making them perfect to landscape residential or commercial settings. Our Modern Planters will last for decades, adding a modern look while providing a much better growing environment than pots or fiberglass planters, and they are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty. The raised wood planter box option makes cleaning underneath easy.
Restaurant Planters and liners with advanced drainage and slide in easy custom logo panels.
As a custom manufacturer of high-quality modern outdoor planters with drainage, we ensure that all the planters we sell have proper drainage, which is as important as water for your plants.
Modern Planters with planter liners make a pop-up sidewalk cafe with a modern upscale Miami tropical vibe quick and easy.
Elegant, durable, no maintenance, 3/8″ gusseted marine aluminum Restaurant Planters include liners with advanced drainage. No paint or powder coating to fail.
Architects often specify DeepStream’s Modern Planters for Trees and modern modular planters to create cooling natural live parapet walls for protection between levels both at grade and on a roof deck. The modern planters shown here are constructed with ecologically friendly 100% recycled plastic lumber, which saves labor, as it requires no maintenance and may be pressure cleaned.
Modern Planters for Trees, custom handcrafted from stiff marine alloy aluminum sheet, have internal side wall gussets for added structure on large planters, or angles welded across the middle of the plates for large trees or trees with aggressive roots. 5086 Aluminum is used in oceangoing vessels and will not crack or split, which is important, as sea grape trees in containers can grow to 12 feet or more.
These Modern Planters for Trees are custom handcrafted with Ipe wood. A decidedly modern planter using DeepStream’s proprietary anodized aluminum legs, these square wood planter boxes use a structural aluminum frame to support a separate planter liner. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so these modern planters provide you and the environment the lowest cost of ownership over time.
Modern Planters with practical long rectangular shapes in fiberglass or plastic are one of the most used modern planter forms, especially in commercial applications such as restaurants, or to line sidewalks or plazas in streetscapes. Simple, clean, modern lines are equally at home on a sidewalk or hanging from the side of a building or parking garage.
DeepStreams’s Audubon Planters
With many manufacturing methods and materials to choose from, DeepStream’s Audubon Modern Planters can be crafted using an unlimited pallet of panel designs to meet your every need using the unique Audubon Structural Architectural Aluminum Frame System.
A truly Modern Planter using 3form Eco-resin Bear Grass panels with DeepStream’s Audubon anodized aluminum frame system, which accepts any material with slide-in ease. 3form makes many innovative modern panel materials for both indoor and outdoor use.
A Modern Planter handmade from Cumaru wood to custom specifications by American craftsmen, shown unplanted with a waterproof planter liner inside that is supported by a hidden structural aluminum frame. Behind the Modern Wood Planter is a larger Modern Planter handcrafted from natural slate with a trellis frame that acts as a privacy screen blocking the view of air conditioning equipment behind it. These modern planters will never rot, and have a Lifetime Structural Warranty.Restaurant Planters with Glass Screen Wall Windbreak. No Maintenance Recycled plastic lumber and our trademark marine anodized aluminum frame system.
A studio photo of a Modern Planter without its separate planter liner, created with natural copper panels held by DeepStream’s Audubon aluminum frame system, which accepts any material with slide-in ease. Copper is perfect for indoor and outdoor use. This photo shows both the natural copper color and the green verdigris finish often associated with aged copper. Given modern air quality, these days natural copper will age to a brown finish, while the green finish is the result of chemicals applied in our workshop.
This Modern Planter has a stainless steel mesh trellis covered with a healthy dark green vine dripping with white flowers because DeepStream’s modern planters have planter liners that support proper drainage and drip irrigation so that landscaping is successful, not labor intensive. The wood planter box is available in a range of sizes and finishes, and will never rot.
A Modern Planter with a stainless steel trellis covered with a healthy dark green vine and “Bleeding Hearts” flowers, making it a practical screen wall for privacy and hiding equipment. Crafted with natural slate panels held by DeepStream’s proprietary Audubon anodized aluminum frame that supports an internal planter liner which provides proper drainage, these modern planters provide ideal growing conditions.
DeepStream’s Audubon anodized aluminum extrusions hold panels of any material, thick or thin. DeepStream’s Modern Planters, shown above crafted from slate and copper, allow landscaping to thrive inside our Landscape Architect-grade planter liners designed for advanced drainage. The liner inside the outer planter box hides drip irrigation lines and advanced drainage options, and the resulting air gap prevents solar gain so that the root ball never gets warmer than the air temperature. Single-wall planters and pots steam the root ball, no matter how much water you give them.
On a clear 80-degree day the temperature of the outside skin of a planter or pot can reach 124-degrees, steaming the root ball inside unless there is a thermal air gap between the planter box and liner break, as found on DeepStream’s planter design.
Measuring the 124-degree solar thermal gain on a planter box on a sunny 80-degree day. DeepStream’s liner-inside-a-box provides a thermal gap, so the root ball stays at air temperature. Landscaping thrives In DeepStream’s Modern Planters.
Modern Planters for Trees use special construction techniques to support tree growth over time. This olive tree on top of a modern office roof deck can grow to 12 feet and weigh over a ton. DeepStream’s modern planters have a structural aluminum frame engineered to last for decades, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, and encompass rugged rotomolded planter liners with advanced drainage systems.
Using living walls to separate tables creates a private dining space, softening urban environments, allowing nature to exert her subtle ability to attract customers. DeepStream can also build Modern Planters with caster wheels, which makes them practical fixtures for restaurants needing to maintain a flexible floor plan. This ability is not an afterthought; it is just one option engineered into the structural aluminum frame of our Modern Planters.
Modern Planters are available in heights from 16″ to 32″ and 10″ to 40″ wide and 32″ to 46″ long with custom sizes available. Crafted from solid color core HDPE UV-stabilized marine Plastic or formed for rigidity and strength from thinner gauge aluminum – either way they are an economical option for square and rectangular Modern Planters
Tall tapered Modern Planters in a copper color create a dramatic entrance. Fiberglass is a relatively inexpensive way to create these complex shapes, adding an inspired modern look to your residential or commercial Landscaping project.
Modern Planters in a modern copper-colored creative, angular form, executed in FRP concrete or fiberglass, are sure to add visual interest to your modern landscaping project.
Modern Planters representing a 21st century take on a traditional water-jar shape executed in a contemporary polished gray finish fiberglass or GFRC concrete create a modern Mediterranean vibe for landscaping commercial and residential spaces.High-quality Modern Outdoor Planters, including Large Modern Planters for Trees, crafted with maintenance-free, environmentally friendly, money-saving, UV-Stabilized 100% recycled HDPE food safe plastic lumber with a 50-year warranty by its manufacturer, provide labor-saving, protective parapet walls between terraces.A large Modern Planter anchors a wood screen wall for privacy and hiding equipment without requiring penetrations of the roof membrane. Crafted with natural Jatoba wood panels held by DeepStream’s proprietary anodized aluminum frame that supports an internal planter liner providing proper drainage, these modern planters provide ideal growing conditions.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Architects specify Live Wall and Green Roof projects to soften and cool building and parking structures naturally. Landscape Architects choose reliable Tournesol Siteworks systems.
The knock your socks off visual impact of the Interior Live Wall created out of a vast array of orchids in full bloom at the Atlanta Botanical Garden is a living work of art. This botanical Tour de Force was created using the TerraScreen® by Tournesol Siteworks — a simple, cost-effective, and maintenance-friendly live wall system.
Live Wall and Green Roof Systems: whether you are creating a large commercial outdoor live wall, green wall, vertical garden, or an intimate interior live wall, one of Tournesol’s 4 Live Wall systems, or their green roof system, will make your project successful. DeepStream started as a customer of Tournesol more than 18 years ago and have we been a high-volume distributor of this 35-year-old industry leading manufacturer for over 14 years.
Isn’t social contact wonderful! Plants put Love in the air and Tournesol Siteworks’ Exterior Green Wall systems, distributed by DeepStream, soften and cool urban environments, making them more appealing for all to enjoy.
The Green Roof movement is great, but the ratio of wall to roof area is much greater on high-rise buildings. If Architects designed balconies with drainage and water spigots built into their clients’ high-rise buildings, it would allow residents and offices to help offset their impact to a far greater degree both in terms of cooling and exchanging oxygen for carbon and absorbing other pollutants. Still, green walls can be retrofitted with live wall systems by Tournesol and make a big difference.
Tournesol VGM® modular Exterior Live Wall System mounts to the exterior of any structurally sound wall, including building facades as seen here. The mounting brackets are quickly and easily assembled to the box, and an optional anti-lift arm prevents removal by vandals or unexpected weather or seismic activity.
Tournesol Siteworks manufactures a suite of products for commercial construction projects, offices, and even residential projects that make that vision simple, cost-effective and successful every time. Tournesol has proven solutions for nearly any climate and application. Customization and design consulting services are available to make the toughest challenges in green roof and live wall projects of any scale manageable.
Creating a successful Green Wall, Live Wall, or Vertical Garden starts here.
Green Roof
Green Roof landscaping is quick and easy using Tournesol GRT3 Modular Green Roof HDPE UV-resistant plastic trays which hold engineered soil and plants. The green roof can go directly on existing roofs without retrofit and the associated costs, while providing storm water retention, insulation, and membrane protection.
GRT3 Modular Green Roof Trays — A modular green roof is made up of a series of trays, which hold engineered soil and plants. The green roof can go directly on existing roofs, assuming necessary support exists, without retrofit and the associated costs. It provides the important elements associated with green roofs, including stormwater retention, insulation, and membrane protection. Tournesol GRT3 green roof trays are made of extremely durable HDPE, with 60% recycled content. Unlike injection molded trays, HDPE is UV-stable, resisting cracking and splitting. They are available in 4” and 8” depths. Raised drain holes at corners and along channels allow for 3/4” of storm water retention after rain fall, augmenting drip irrigation for minimal water use.
Live Walls can do even more than a green roof to cool your building, clean the air, and reduce energy cost.
Interior Live Wall
Interior Live Wall. Often described as living art, the TerraScreen® allows the designer, landscaper, or owner to use plants to establish a living, breathing focal point, set a mood, or celebrate a season. TerraScreen® is a simple, cost-effective and maintenance-friendly live wall, designed especially for interior and “intimate” exterior green wall installations.
TerraScreen® is a simple, cost-effective, and maintenance-friendly live wall, designed especially for interior and “intimate” exterior green wall installations. Often described as living art, the TerraScreen® allows the designer, landscaper, or owner to use plants to establish a living, breathing focal point, set a mood, or celebrate a season. All panels are made of black powder- and zinc-coated steel wire, with integral wall brackets. Panels may be mounted adjacent to or above one another to create a larger coverage area. The sides of the TerraScreen® system can be covered with a simple powder-coated steel cover. The irrigation system may be connected manually to a hose or water cart, or plumbed to a timer system.
Live Wall Planters let you live in a city clad in living, breathing green, as the plants absorb heat and carbon while giving off oxygen. It turns an overheated, unfeeling space into a living, breathing oasis.
Exterior Live Wall
Exterior Live Wall at the Beverley Hills Waldorf Astoria created using Tournesol VGM® modular Live Wall System uses lightweight soil block, not dirt inside a removable recycled plastic planting module that attaches to stainless steel hanging rails that can be attached to the side of a building or a freestanding frame to build walls. Once grown in, it provides instant, complete coverage of any vertical surface.
At its heart, the Tournesol VGM® modular Live Wall System is a recycled plastic planting module attached to stainless steel hanging rails. Once grown in, it provides instant, complete coverage of any vertical surface. A wide, controllable variety of plant designs can be used in any horticultural condition. Modules are available with an optional stabilized growing media for peak plant performance. Designed to last the life of the building, VGM® is backed by Tournesol’s 30 years of experience.
Tournesol VGM3 modular system of replaceable 20″ x 22″ x 10″ recycled plastic blocks can be fixed to rails inside a frame to erect massive Live Walls like this one, seen at the New Orleans Botanical Garden. The stabilized polymer media blocks inside hold up to five times their weight in water, yet they are still lighter than nearly any other engineered soil mix. They will not dissolve or fall out in inclement weather.
Easy Live Wall
Live wall made budget-friendly and DIY easy. Hang the VGP Live Wall Tray on a VGP mounting panel, standard 2″ x 3″ welded mesh or wire, or along rods or stainless-steel rope. The VGP tray is designed with overflow drain from a sub-irrigation reservoir, so the pots will cascade drain to a central point. Add a wick and the reservoir will provide optimal water use for long-term growing, and easy replacement or change-out as desired.
A Live Wall the easy way. Designed for residential and light commercial applications, the 100% recycled polypropylene VGP Live Wall Tray uses standard 1-gallon nursery pots in the planting tray for long-term growing, easy watering, and lift out easy change-out as desired.
A system for residential and light commercial applications, the VGP Live Wall Tray System is a versatile, easy-to-install living wall. Few living wall systems offer the versatility of the VGP live wall. At the heart of the system is the planting tray, made of 100% recycled polypropylene. When direct-planted with two 4″ or one 1-gallon nursery pots, it provides a lush, rich-looking living wall at a price significantly lower than our commercially oriented VGM modular living wall. The trays may be hung on a VGP mounting panel, standard 2″ x 3″ welded mesh or wire, or along rods or stainless-steel rope. Each tray incorporates an anti-lift arm to prevent unwanted removal, but requires no other bolts or clips. Trays are hung at either 6″ or 9″ intervals, depending on the plant size and the project budget. The VGP tray is designed with overflow drain from a sub-irrigation reservoir, so the pots will cascade drain to a central point. Add a wick and the reservoir will provide optimal water use. The generously sized pot will allow for long term growing, and easy replacement or change-out as desired.
Structures as mundane as parking garages become the means of expressing the vibrancy of the environment. The line dividing landscape and architecture becomes blurred, and the world is a better place for it. Tournesol Live Wall solutions and consulting tame the challenges faced by architects, designers, owners, and contractors in making this happen.
Vertical Garden
Taking a Vertical garden to new heights is easy and cost-effective with ridged VertiGreen® trellis panels mounted Tournesol’s VGM Modular living wall system. Tournesol’s systems can reduce the overall cost of covering a wall with green to cool the building with shade while protecting the stone surface. The trellis is easy to attach and protects the underlying wall structure, while it supports climbing plants and vines. Mounting is efficient with wall mount brackets which integrate with Tournesol’s rectangular and square fiberglass planters.
A Vertical Garden thrives growing up 3-dimension Trellis wall panels which also protect the mounting wall from the plants. Tournesol Siteworks offers the VertiGreen® rigid commercial-grade Trellis Panels with two grid sizes because every plant grows a little differently. The modular trellis will support and protect robust foliage growth, whether attached to a wall or mounted between posts as a “green” fence.
Vertical Garden modular Trellis Panels for planters: Because every plant grows a little differently, Tournesol Siteworks offers the VertiGreen®, a rigid, commercial-grade, 3-dimensional trellis system that features two different grid sizes. The modular trellis will support and protect robust foliage growth, whether attached to a wall or hung between posts as a “green” fence. Integrate VertiGreen® with Tournesol’s industry leading Wilshire Box hanging planters or VGM Modular live wall system, and you can reduce the overall cost of covering a wall with green! The trellis is easy to attach and protects the underlying structure, while it supports climbing plants and vines. The durable panels are given an extra coating of zinc prior to powder coating to resist rust and corrosion over time. The trellis panels are manufactured with 3” and 6” grid elements spaced 3” apart. VertiGreen® is available in two modular panel sizes with connecting brackets. Building larger panels is as easy as connecting two screws!
This penthouse rooftop deck uses a Mariner recycled plastic lumber planter to grow a tall podocarpus screen wall 8 feet high. DeepStream’s complete 3-part planter system makes it easy to successfully grow natural conifer or evergreen privacy screens that are as easy to maintain as they are beautiful to look at. The square DeepStream natural aluminum planter for trees next to it is growing a sea grape tree which, while considerably slower growing, can be pruned and trained in spectacular shapes to create privacy screens.
Durable commercial low-maintenance Mariner and Audubon planters with hidden drip irrigation and advanced drainage make it easy to grow a variety of green privacy screens and hide rooftop equipment in any environment. The quieting natural ambiance of these privacy screen hedges and trellises bring nature to the heart of any city. The planters providing privacy for this penthouse have seen hurricanes come and go, yet peacefully endure and regenerate, hosting full moon dinners and sunset cocktail parties year after year.
All around the world you have seen the Live Wall and Green Roof Systems environmental movement grow, as it is not only ecologically beneficial, but it also saves energy cost by cooling significant vertical areas of buildings with cost-effective shade, and to much greater heights than can be accomplished with trees. Now is your opportunity to help cool the planet while saving your clients money with a system that will quickly pay for itself.
With four different systems to create cost-effective Live Wall and Green Roof Systems Tournesol Siteworks has been a major force behind this trend for decades, and DeepStream Designs has been the go-to distributor for Landscape Architects, property managers, parking structure operators, and homeowners more than a decade.
Contact DeepStream Designs for your Live Wall and Green Roof Systems. We are the low-cost, high-volume, nationwide distributor of Tournesol Siteworks’ Landscape Architect-grade products. DeepStream can supply your needs in a cost-effective manner, drawing from Tournesol’s range of products. DeepStream understands your commercial requirements and will not be undersold, despite our dedicated service.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
For more detailed information on container gardening here are direct links to our helpful container garden planter blog pages that will open in a new window:
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
Large Planters for Trees are a complete landscaping system, custom-built by American craftsmen to any size, and backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
DeepStream Designs’ commercial 36″ square Large Planters for Trees, crafted from 100% recycled plastic lumber, were selected for a curated exhibition at world-famous Long House Reserve, the Hamptons’ tranquil design oasis of art, architecture, and landscaping. DeepStream planters are engineered with our proprietary trademark anodized aluminum legs supporting a hidden structural aluminum frame, and planter liners with advanced drainage inside.
Don’t confuse these Large Planters for Trees with carpenter-built planters that will fall apart in 3-5 years, or concrete and fiberglass planters that will crack. These planters provide the ideal Landscaping environment and last for decades. With our proprietary structural aluminum frame system we can build planters to ANY SIZE.
Architect-specified Large Planters for Trees, crafted with maintenance-free, environmentally friendly, money saving, UV-Stabilized 100% recycled HDPE food-safe plastic lumber with a 50-year warranty by its manufacturer, provide labor-saving, protective parapet walls between terraces.
These are the Large Planters for Trees you are looking for. They will stand the test of time for decades, providing both you and the environment the lowest cost of ownership over time. DeepStream builds custom marine alloy aluminum planters and wood planters with structural aluminum frames in any size you need.
A fresh creative approach to urban landscaping. Modern rectangular and square Large Wood Planters for Trees make an attractive natural safety barrier rugged enough for urban streets.
Our Large Wood Planters for Trees are engineered and constructed with our trademark structural anodized aluminum legs and sturdy hidden aluminum frame which holds a separate rugged plastic planter liner. Since we anodize our leg extrusions, there is no paint or powder coating to fail. If you choose planter boxes made with planks of environmentally friendly 100% recycled plastic lumber they are UV-resistant, with a 50-year warranty by the manufacturer, and they may be pressure cleaned.
Our Large Wood Planters for Trees are engineered and constructed with our trademark structural anodized aluminum legs and sturdy hidden aluminum frame, which holds a separate rugged plastic planter liner with advanced drainage. Since we anodize our leg extrusions, there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Cost-effective modular installations of Large Wood Planters for Trees are made possible by the hidden 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum structural frame, attached to DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized extruded T-leg to construct planters of any size rectilinear shape. The planks of the planter box are contained by the aluminum channels in the legs, not held by fasteners, allowing it to expand and contract without tearing itself apart.
DeepStream Designs manufactures our Large Commercial Wood Planters for Trees to meet the demanding requirements of Landscape Architects, hotels, condominiums, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters or cracking fiberglass and concrete planters again and again.
Stand-alone Large Commercial Wood Planters for Trees prevent structural damage and expensive remediation associated with leaking built-in concrete planters.
OK, the photo at left shows an extreme case, but as buildings settle, and all buildings do over time, unseen cracks appear. Also the tree roots that tear apart huge stone temples in Central America exert the same expansionary forces on buildings. Cracks allow water to run along the lines of steel rebar used in poured concrete construction, causing the rebar to rust and expand up to 20X its original size. This creates an effect called “spalling,” which cracks the concrete and wreaks the structural integrity. Correcting spalling is a very expensive and disruptive process. Stand-alone planters in modular liners avoid this inevitable problem entirely.
I think a lot of Architects, developers, and general contractors have not lived in poured-in-place concrete buildings that are so predominant here in Miami, or they wouldn’t design or build poured-in-place concrete planters. Even with the best waterproofing systems, they will leak, and much sooner than you think. Sure, your warranty as a builder may be up, but you leave the HOA with expensive special assessments and disruption to solve the problems you could have, should have, avoided in the first place. Even if you install plastic liners with a horizontal flange over the top edge from the start, eventually every liner will fail, leading to unseen structural damage.
If you do have a building with leaking concrete slabs and you have access to the slab there are expensive, but effective, solutions that involve metal fittings inserted holes drilled along the crack lines that have hoses attached to pump in a proprietary agent under tremendous hydraulic pressure that will displace the water, run along the rebar and sealing it against further damage. We have experience with this system as a customer in one of our building so feel free to contact Sheila, (305) 857-0466 for more information. But believe us when we say it is better to avoid this process up front.
These are the planters that we created while building our own residential condominium project, where we still live today. Stop by our Coconut Grove offices and see both the problem and the solution, in person.
Specifying DeepStream’s proprietary anodized aluminum legs and engineered frame system to create modular Large Wood Planters for Trees saves budget and resources, while eliminating the eventuality of structural damage to the building caused by leaking poured-in-place concrete planters.
At our shop, you will find skilled American craftsmen building custom planters and planter liners to the exact dimensions you need, one planter at a time. What you won’t find are assembly lines, or custom or design fees.
As a complete 3-component engineered system, the separate planter box, constructed from either natural 3/4″ thick tongue-and-groove solid tropical wood or recycled plastic lumber planks, is held by the slots in our proprietary aluminum legs, engineered to allow the natural expansion and contraction of the planks without fasteners to pull apart.
The elegance of Ipe wood and our trademark structural anodized aluminum legs never fail to visually impress. However, they are only part of the reason our Large Wood Planters for Trees provide the ideal landscaping environment for plants to thrive. The structural aircraft aluminum frame and rugged plastic planter liner with advanced drainage give the system strength and longevity, preventing wood rot, hiding drip irrigation, and preventing solar gain steaming the root ball.
Large Wood Planters for Trees use 3/4″ thick tongue-and-groove solid tropical wood or recycled plastic lumber planks are held by the slots in our proprietary aluminum legs engineered to allow the natural expansion and contraction of the planks to constrain them without fasteners to pull apart.
The internal aluminum frame houses a separate rugged, waterproof, rotomolded, UV-resistant LLDPE plastic stock planter liner, which is tapered for easy repotting and designed for advanced drainage. The gap between the planter box and the liner provides a thermal break preventing the root ball from overheating as the sun heats the outer layer of a single layer pot or planter. The gap also hides drip irrigation lines, drains, and wiring for lights.
As shown by Sheila, the President of DeepStream Designs, on a clear 80-degree day, the temperature of the outside of planks on Commercial Wood Planters, or pots, can reach 124-degrees, steaming the root ball inside, unless there is a thermal air gap between the wood planter box and waterproof liner, as found with DeepStream’s unique liner-within-a-wood-planter-box design.
Measuring the solar thermal gain, 124-degrees on a sunny 80-degree day, on the outside planks of Commercial Wood Planters. DeepStream’s liner-inside-a-box provides a thermal gap so the root ball stays at air temperature and landscaping flourishes. The waterproof liner inside the planter box has advanced drainage and hides drip irrigation lines.
As with all DeepStream solutions, these large Planters for Trees are hand-built by American craftsmen and backed with a Lifetime Structural Warranty. You order and buy factory-direct for the lowest cost, while eliminating confusion and delays. Every planter is custom-built to your specifications, with volume discounts, and never a design fee.
Stability is a function of form.
It is important to consider the stability of your installation, and pick a form factor appropriate to the ultimate height and size of the tree and maximum wind conditions. Trees such as palms, without a lot of branches and foliage, have lower wind resistance. Palms do better on windy roof tops and terraces here in hurricane-prone Florida. While the weight of the planted planter will keep it from blowing away, a planter with a narrow base, relative to the leverage of wind against foliage, can tip over.
DeepStream’s Large Wood Garden Planters for Trees are lightweight, allowing the roof to support the maximum volume of planting medium while staying within load limits, so that even olive trees like this one,which will grow to approximately 10 feet high, are possible on a roof deck. The separate planter liner hides the drip irrigation system and the wiring for the lights.Architects often use DeepStream’s modern modular long rectangular garden planters and individual square Large Planters for Trees to create a cool and natural protective parapet wall between different levels, both at ground level and on roof decks.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Landscaping large areas with Extra Large Planters for Trees.
Specified by Landscape Architects, DeepStream’s lightweight, Extra Large Wood Planters for Trees, built using our proprietary structural aluminum frame system and modular planter liners hiding drip irrigation and wiring for lights, are used to lushly landscape several expansive areas of the world class 12th story roof terrace atop Boston’s historic Exchange Place.An extra Large Wood Garden Planter 21 inches deep created with DeepStream’s trademark proprietary structural aluminum frame with cross bracing in a U-shape with the longest side 24 feet long by 16 feet on the ends. Although this planter was designed with modular stock planter liners sitting directly on the deck, it is too shallow for trees, but it gives you an idea of how large and versatile DeepStream’s modular planter system can be.
Extra Large Wood Garden Planter for Trees 31 inches deep, engineered with DeepStream’s trademark proprietary structural aluminum frame with double cross bracing in a rectangular shape with the longest side 18 feet long by 12 feet on the ends. This planter was designed to use modular stock planter liners sitting directly on the deck to maximize planting depth and reduce unnecessary costs.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
Modular Custom-Welded Plastic Planter Liners are used on roof decks to landscape large areas with trees.
Large areas can be planted and easily irrigated with hidden drip irrigation inside modular planters. When DeepStream’s cost-effective and rugged rotomolded LLDPE stock liner won’t work, we can craft custom-welded modular liners with 1/4″, 3/8″, or 1/2″ co-polypropylene, as used in the construction of large chemical tanks, or HDPE, as we use in our food-safe plastic planters. Polypropylene is extremely durable, but should be buried as even black is not UV-stable. Any color of HDPE is impervious to the sun’s UV rays.
Large areas can be planted and easily irrigated with hidden drip irrigation and custom-welded modular plastic planter liners used inside Large Planters for Trees. Avoid trees and plants with aggressive root systems like Clusia or Bamboo.
You can add side-wall access ports for drip irrigation and drainage holes on-site with a simple hole saw. Drain Pads, proper drainage techniques to slow the water flow, and selecting appropriate planting mediums are critical when plantings are expected to be maintained for years without digging them up.
Construction techniques include double-welded gussets, shown in the bottom picture, or cross-straps, for optimum wall support. You can add side-wall drainage holes on-site with a simple hole saw. Drain Pads, proper drainage techniques to slow the water flow, and selecting appropriate planting mediums are critical when plantings are expected to be maintained for years without digging them up.
DeepStream Designs’ rugged double-welded, gusseted, leak-proof Large Planters for Trees are fully water tested prior to shipping.
Custom-Welded Aluminum Large Planters for Trees.
In keeping with DeepStream’s commitment to Sustainable Design and craftsmanship, we create square and rectangular commercial-grade Aluminum Planters in a natural finish 5086 Marine alloy.
The cube form is a popular stable form for a Larger Planter for Trees. Internal side wall gussets are required on large planters, or angles welded across the middle of the plates for large trees or trees with aggressive roots. 5086 Aluminum is use in ocean-going vessels and will not crack or split.
DeepStream’s Square and Rectangular Modern Aluminum Planters are commercial Landscape Architect-grade, made with stiff 5086 3/16″ thick, or thicker as required, marine-grade aluminum, as used on yachts and commercial ships. They are the strongest and most durable aluminum planters available. Construction techniques include double-welded gussets, shown in the bottom picture, or cross-straps, for optimum wall support.
Aluminum Large Planters for Trees construction techniques include double-welded gussets, as shown, or even cross-strap, for optimum wall support against bowing under root pressure.
Large Planters for Trees can be constructed out of stiff 5086 marine alloy aluminum in any practical size, given the particulars of the site location and aluminum sheet size. Aluminum sheet thickness and construction techniques vary by dimension and landscaping details.
While the initial investment is higher the total lifetime cost of DeepStream’s Aluminum planters will be many times less than that of painted aluminum planters, even if you only own them for 5-10 years. It simply takes more labor to produce flawless unpainted aluminum planters, but there is no paint or powder coating to bubble and chip, failing in as little as 2 years. The more rigid and expensive 5086 marine alloy we use is, at a minimum, 3 times thicker than standard painted aluminum planters. However 5086 aluminum, left in its natural state, creates its own patina that protects it from oxidation for decades in demanding marine environments.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
When purchasing a Large Planter for Trees, it is critical to note that as trees grow, their root ball gets larger and larger. With some species, the container size will limit the size of the tree; with others the root ball continues to grow. An ever-expanding root ball will either push the tree up on a pedestal of its own roots, or push out and eventually break the liner.
If you visit the ancient jungle ruins of the Mayans and Aztecs, you will recognize that, even the giant stone blocks of the temples, weighing thousands of pounds, will be pushed apart, split, and toppled by tree roots. Streetscapes constantly have to deal with root control. This, along with selecting an appropriate planting mixture and micro-climates, is another important reason to consult with a Landscape Architect experienced with container gardening when planning your project.
DeepStream’s stock planter liners are roto-molded in one piece with LLDPE recycled plastic so that tree roots have no weak spots to attack. DeepStream’s custom-welded liners used for major plantings are engineered with thicker 3/8″ co-polypropylene, or 1/2″ HDPE, as used in construction of large chemical tanks. The panels are gusseted and welded from both sides before being water-tested to ensure their ultimate durability in your project.
It is possible for plants with aggressive root systems to grow so thick that they will eventually burst any planter liner, and even bow reinforced aluminum planters and crack poured-in-place concrete planters, so it’s best to consult with a Landscape Architect when selecting your landscaping.
Even the most rugged waterproof planter liner will eventually succumb to an aggressive root system. This Clusia has been removed from its liner every year for 7 years to have its roots trimmed back. The following year the roots began to rip the thick liner apart at the top rim. The long-term solution for landscaping with plants that have aggressive root systems like these are planters constructed from Corten steel or 5086 aluminum.
The bases of trees will be pushed 6-12″ higher by their roots over a five to ten year period as the trees grow to their mature height for that size planter. Knowing that in advance, plant the root ball deeper in the planter to plan for the eventual rise and filled the recess with other plantings for the duration.
High-quality Commercial Concrete Planters by Tournesol Siteworks are available in many distinctive styles, sizes, forms, and colors. Find out how GFRC, glass fiber reinforced concrete, makes these concrete garden planters lighter, stronger, and more durable than traditional concrete planters.
Tournesol’s Downtown large high-quality Concrete Planters have distinctive curves and soft corners that combine with their elegant proportions to add a contemporary flair to any project, whether modern or traditional, commercial or residential. The Downtown Collection of Concrete Garden Planters includes a variety of round, square, and rectangular shapes that carry the distinctive proportions and are available in shallower round sizes useful for flower and color displays.
As a developer, general contractor, and planter manufacturer with thousands of installations spanning almost two decades, DeepStream understands commercial and homeowner needs for concrete planters.
A single very large, brightly landscaped, saucer-shaped high-quality commercial Downtown Concrete Planter by Tournesol is a perfect way to create a welcoming open-air entrance.
DeepStream started as a customer of Tournesol while building one of our own residential projects. Now, almost two decades later, we have been a knowledgeable high-volume nationwide authorized distributor for more than 15 years.
The traditional water-jar shape inspires the range of Aquarian Collection of high quality commercial Concrete Planters. Available in a highly polished finish to get the feel of an outstanding ceramic planter, or a more rustic textured finish for an older, ancient feel. The Aquarian’s elegant curves work in both commercial and residential spaces.
Concrete Planters in complex angular shapes make it easy to add a dramatic modern look to your residential and commercial landscaping projects, as shown by these tall, copper-colored Concrete garden planters designed by Luxxbox.
Tournesol Siteworks’ concrete planters have been specified by Landscape Architects, Contractors, and Builders for more than 35 years. These fiberglass reinforced Concrete Planters are lighter, stronger, and more durable than concrete planters made with standard cement. They are backed by a 3-year warranty.
The forms of the Renaissance are recreated with these rounded scroll-top terracotta colored high quality Concrete Planters and Pots. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design, imparting a Mediterranean influence to the very large round and rectangular Florence Collection of Concrete Garden Planters.
Extra-large, rounded rectangular, round, and cube-shaped earthen colored Metro high quality Concrete Garden Planters landscaped with trees and flowering trellises impart a village vibe to a modern cobbled street and courtyard.
DeepStream can supply your glass-fiber-reinforced cement (GFRC) Concrete Planters in a cost-effective manner, drawing from 8 distinct GFRC Concrete Planter design collections with 12 colors and 5 textures to chose from. With thousands of installations, DeepStream understands both commercial and homeowner needs. For one planter or 100+, knowledgeable service and volume pricing have made us a high-volume national distributor for commercial and residential GFRC Concrete Planters.
Zena Collection of high quality Concrete Planters have a pronounced, highly tapered design. The lightweight GFRC concrete is durable enough for high traffic locations, yet light enough to be moved. Concrete garden planters and pots can be used as focal points for nearly any streetscape, adding a sleek style to urban environments.
The timeless classic saucer form of this Arcade Concrete Planter creates a dramatic entrance and focal point for any building.
From Manhattan to Hawaii, you have seen these high-quality GFRC Concrete Planters everywhere.
The Village series of high quality Concrete Planters ranges from large to very large for trees. Decorated only with an indented reveal just under the rim, these are a perfect example of “less is more” in landscape design.
A cluster of cube-shaped, grey, high quality Concrete Planters of varying heights and volumes from the Downtown Collection can be used to create a natural protective cluster for pedestrians or a bus bench on the sidewalk of a busy street.
By adding long-strand glass fibers to the conventional cement, the strength of the material increases while decreasing the thickness. Decreasing the thickness 60% (from typically 3” in cast concrete to 1” in GFRC) directly reduces the weight by the same amount. However these planters are still at least 10X heavier than fiberglass and wood planters, and are best used at street level. They are often used as crash barriers or to block vehicles from parking or entering restricted locations.
The long rectangular modern shape of these Concrete Garden Planters is a universal form used by aluminum, fiberglass, and concrete planters as it looks great in almost every location. Simple, clean, modern lines equally at home on a sidewalk, the side of a building, or as a barrier at a parking garage.
Sleek, simple, and elegantly proportioned, the Downtown Collection of round Concrete Planters, available in 12 colors and 5 textures, enhance modern landscape and architectural design. These extra-large Downtown garden planters are designed to be durable, even when used to block off traffic locations like this passenger drop-off area.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
With a modern grey color, clean crisp molded top edge, and double reveal at the bottom of these large cube and rectangular high-quality commercial concrete planters, the Florence Collection, in 12 colors and 5 textures, represents modern restrained Italian design. These extra-large rectangular and cube concrete garden planters, landscaped with trees, bushes, and ornamental grass add an Asian aesthetic to this elevated outdoor marble terrace.
In a rustic terracotta color, the Florence Collection exhibited here recalls the Renaissance revival in high-quality Concrete Planters and Pots with rounded scroll top. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design, imparting a Mediterranean influence on these very large round and cube shaped Concrete Garden Planters, seen here on an outdoor terrace cafe. Available in 12 colors and 5 textures.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes by Tournesol are a complete commercial quality hanging fiberglass planter system that makes installation simple!
Lightweight fiberglass Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes supporting vine covered green screen trellises, easily mounted with pre-engineered brackets, are a beautiful way to soften, cool, and complement the vertical and horizontal reveals of an otherwise blank parking garage wall.
Hanging Garden Planter Boxes are a simple, direct, tried-and-true solution to add vertical landscaping to commercial projects like parking garages, apartment building, and hotels. With a lightweight fiberglass box, pre-engineered brackets, and easy-to-use mounting template, Tournesol has thought through a complete commercial-quality hanging garden planter system so you won’t have to. Industry leading 3-year warranty.
These architectural bronze-colored lightweight fiberglass Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes add natural visual interest to the new parking garage of this historic brewery. Tournesol’s commercial hanging planter boxes are easily mounted to the railings with pre-engineered brackets.
DeepStream Designs is a high-volume authorized distributor for Tournesol Siteworks’ Hanging Garden Planter Boxes specified by Landscape Architects, Contractors, and Builders for more than 35 years.
Lightweight fiberglass Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes, planted with green vines on greenscreen Trellises, are easily mounted with pre-engineered brackets to cool the building walls and add visual interest.
These are the Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes you see mounted all across the country.
Lightweight fiberglass Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes can be mounted with pre-engineered brackets over the poured-in-place structural parapet walls, protecting openings in a parking garage wall.
Wilshire Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes are available in 3 different size ranges, lengths from 2′ to 10′ long. The simple commercial hanging planters’ styling works with most building types, and highlights the plants rather than the planter. The hanging brackets are powder coated with stainless mounting studs. The brackets tuck into the back of the box, so the planter can snug up next to the wall.
The Wilshire lightweight fiberglass planter boxes for mounting to vertical surfaces or hanging from structural railings are a system used in hundreds of installations nationwide, and one of the most commonly found systems on parking structures today.
Wilshire Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes are available in 3 different size ranges, lengths from 2′ to 10′ long. The simple commercial hanging planters’ styling works with most building types, and highlights the plants rather than the planter. The hanging brackets are powder coated with stainless mounting studs. The brackets tuck into the back of the box, so the planter can snug up next to the wall.
The pre-engineered mounting brackets support the Commercial Hanging Garden Planter Boxes from underneath and attach them to the vertical wall.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
3-layer Drain Packs with TREMdrain and Biobarrier complete your advanced planter drainage solution.
DeepStream pioneered 3-layer planter liner drain pads that are constructed of the waffle like TREMdrain which provides a larger surface area for drainage with drainage channels, Bio-Barrier plastic tables infused with root repellent which is wrapped in geo-textile filter fabric and hot glued together in a single pad that is placed over drain holes to improve planter liner drainage.
The first layer is TREMDrain: a waffled plastic pad that enhances the drainage area with crush-resistant channels covered with a layer of geotextile fabric.
The second layer is Biobarrier root control: Considered effective for 10 years by its manufacturer, we have found that it is not effective against plants with aggressive root structures like Ficus, Bamboo, and Clusia. Biobarrier is a geotextile fabric with permanently attached nodules of trifluralin, which are engineered to slowly release it to create a vapor zone where roots will not grow. Trifluralin is not systemic, so it’s not absorbed by plants, and there is no residual or cumulative effect on the plants. Roots that are away from the 2″ – 4″ zone are unaffected. Trifluralin has been used for more than 40 years and, with a US EPA Class IV rating of 10,000, it is considered practically non-toxic, ranking it between sugar (29,700) and salt (3,000).
The third layer is a geotextile fabric pouch: Encasing the Biobarrier pad, this pouch provides two more layers of filtering to the geotextile fabric pad of the Biobarrier backing and the layer of geotextile covering the TREMDrain, before excess water flows out of the liner drains.
It is critical not to crush the pad against the liner drain with a hard root ball, as it will make a perfect seal and prevent all drainage. Please note that drain pads are designed to keep the planter liner drain from clogging as long as possible, but they will not make drain water “clear.”
Drain pads must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain of DeepStreams’ stock planter liners.
Fiberglass Planters and Pots by Tournesol Siteworks are the high-quality outdoor commercial fiberglass planters your looking for. Large or small they are available in 13 distinctive styles and many sizes, forms, and colors.
The timeless classic form of this Arcade Fiberglass Garden Planter creates a dramatic entrance.
As a developer, general contractor, and planter manufacturers with thousands of installations spanning almost two decades, DeepStream understands commercial and homeowner needs and high quality fiberglass planters.
DeepStream started as a customer of Tournesol while building one of our own residential projects. Now, almost 2 decades later, we have been a knowledgeable, authorized high-volume nationwide distributor of their fiberglass planters for more than 15 years.
Fiberglass is a relatively inexpensive way to create complex shapes that can add a dramatic, modern look to your residential or commercial Landscaping projects, as shown by these tall, tapered copper fiberglass garden planters.
Fiberglass makes it easy to create complex angular shapes that add a dramatic modern look to your residential and commercial landscaping projects, as shown by these tall, copper fiberglass garden planters designed by Luxxbox.
Tournesol Siteworks Fiberglass Garden Planters have been specified by Landscape Architects, Contractors, and Builders for 36+ years. Their fiberglass garden planters have an industry leading 3-year warranty.
The long rectangular shape of the Wilshire Fiberglass Garden Planters is a universal form used by both aluminum and fiberglass planters, as it looks great in almost every location. Simple clean, modern lines are equally at home on a sidewalk, hanging from the side of a building or parking garage.
The long bronze-colored rounded rectangular and cube-shaped Metro Fiberglass Garden Planters are a creative take on a classic form with just the right proportions and modern lines that versatile fiberglass reproduces perfectly.
DeepStream can supply your Fiberglass Planters cost-effectively, offering 13 distinct Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Planter design collections.
Contact Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or for detailed on-line catalog information, wholesale pricing, and delivery times. Spring and summer are the busiest time for installation of fiberglass garden planters and lead times can stretch into months, so order early.
The Craftsman collection was inspired by a vase made by Oakland arts-and-crafts master Dirk van Erp. The “hammered” texture integral to these Fiberglass Garden Planters replicates the hand-hammered copper created in his workshop. The metal-infused finishes allow the original intent he had to come to life, albeit on a far larger scale than would have been possible then.
Extra-large, rounded rectangular, round and cube-shaped earthen colored Metro Fiberglass Garden Planters landscaped with trees and flowering trellises impart a village vibe to the modern cobbled street courtyard of a shopping and dining district.
Commercial Fiberglass Garden Planters are created with a polyester-based fiberglass (also known as Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic, or FRP), hand-laid in open molds or sprayed from a gun as chopped glass of varying thicknesses. Fiberglass is a lightweight, strong material made up of layers of polyester resin-infused fiberglass strands. Thin inexpensive fiberglass planters are easily cracked and broken so, as always, quality is more expensive up front, but much less expensive in the long run.
The strength and durability of fiberglass depend upon the number of layers of strands and the type of resin used. The color is only in the outer layer, so chips can occur. Fiberglass itself is not waterproof, so the outer colored layer is a waterproof gelcoat and the inside of the planters are painted with a waterproofing material.
Sleek, simple, and elegantly proportioned, the collection of Urban round Fiberglass Garden Planters enhance modern landscape and architectural design. These extra-large Urban garden planters are designed to be durable even when used to block off traffic locations like this passenger drop- off area.
The ubiquitous light gray colored Wilshire Fiberglass Garden Planters are a perfect low-cost way to add visual interest to a sidewalk café seating area.
HDPE Food Safe Plastic Planters are an alternative with several advantages over fiberglass planters:
They won’t crack.
They are less expensive.
Have a faster delivery time.
They are built to custom sizes for no extra cost.
HDPE is a solid color throughout and will never absorb water.
Graffiti is easily removed and they are easily refinished.
DeepStream’s modern Food Safe Plastic Planters, shown in Shale Grey and Hammered Nickel quick-ship colors, are a study in rugged architectural minimalism that transcends time and fads, while standing up to urban environments indoors or outside. They are also available as practical planters with wheels.
These high quality commercial planters will change your perception of “plastic planters”. Unlike fiberglass planters, HDPE Planters have a solid color throughout, so they don’t show scratches like fiberglass or painted aluminum and can never absorb water. HDPE is more flexible so it does not crack like fiberglass under stress.
Like fiberglass, it is not the best material for plants with aggressive root systems. Although it won’t crack like fiberglass, it can bulge if not braced in the appropriate spots. Experienced craftsmanship and design can make all the difference. They have a 3-year warranty like fiberglass, which is extended to 5 years if used with DeepStream’s stock planter liner.
HDPE can be pressure cleaned, will not stain or hold paint, so it’s good in urban locations where it might be subject to graffiti. They can easily be refinished in place with a sanding block or random orbital sander like natural aluminum.
Choose marine alloy aluminum planters made from thick, rigid 5086 aluminum plate if you’re going to plant Clusia or other plants with aggressive root systems.
Commercial Aluminum Planters made with 5086 marine-grade aluminum are more expensive than fiberglass planters but, as they are the strongest and most rigid of the lightweight materials available, they are an excellent choice for landscaping with trees and aggressive root systems like Clusia and species of runner bamboo.
Do the job right and you do it once! These cube aluminum planters, 24″ long X 24″ wide X 24″ high, crafted from commercial grade 3/16″ thick 5086 marine alloy will withstand the aggressive root system of this Clusia, while its natural finish will withstand the salty coastal environment for decades to come. DeepStream’s recycled plastic lumber Mariner planter shown to the left of the cube is a perfect companion planter.Painted or powder coated aluminum planters made with thinner aluminum formed for strength, landscaped with bushes or flowers, are a popular cost-effective way to control access and create a sidewalk or plaza cafe. While Aluminum can be powder coated or painted any color, the warranty on the finish is limited to one or two years at best. They may be sanded and spot-painted in place, or removed and stripped by a variety of methods and refinished.
Pressure washable, unfinished marine alloy aluminum planters have a clean timeless contemporary look that will last for decades. No need for expensive stripping and refinishing ever. Like HDPE Food Safe Plastic Planters, Aluminum Planters are great to use where it might be subject to graffiti, as you can use chemical paint strippers and a random orbital sander to quickly and easily refinish them in place if a pressure washer doesn’t quite do the job.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Garden Planters With Wheels, and internal liners with advanced drainage, make it easy for homeowners or businesses, like hotels and restaurants, to create flexible spaces.
Commercial grade Garden Planters With Wheels are a practical way to transform a resort pool deck from an area for lounging and massages to a wedding event space or a restaurant in minutes. These commercial-grade tall rectangular planters with wheels are engineered with a structural aluminum frame to mount the hidden caster wheels and hold a separate planter liner by design, not an afterthought. The large wood planter box with wheels is handcrafted in America with environmentally friendly, UV-stabilized, no-maintenance 100% recycled HDPE food-safe plastic lumber that can be pressure cleaned for sanitation, as the marine-anodized aluminum legs mean there is no paint or powder coating to fail. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Whether it’s a home, a condo with a balcony, or a business on a busy street, planters with wheels can be rolled inside after watering and soaking up the sun for indoor use, secured for the night, or for an impending windstorm.
DeepStream Designs’ Mariner wood garden planters with wheels have the casters mounted to a unique recessed structural aluminum frame, making them virtually invisible and “bomb-proof.” Restaurants use them to create movable walls to direct traffic, limit access, or mount screen walls for privacy and lights. DeepStream can also make it easy to add caster wheels to other wood, plastic, aluminum, and fiberglass planters.
Restaurants use large wood planter boxes with wheels to create movable walls to direct traffic, limit access, and mount screen walls to extend their outdoor dining season, and add privacy and lights.
Extra tall large wood planter boxes on wheels separate the kitchen and serving area to create a lushly landscaped calming patio for an upscale grab-and-go eatery by reclaiming parking spaces. By placing the planters and other custom fixtures on hidden caster wheels, any space can be re-demised as the need arises, and fixtures can be rolled away for overnight, seasonal storage, or hurricanes.
Create a lush patio for an upscale grab-and-go eatery by reclaiming parking spaces. By placing the planters and other custom fixtures on hidden casters, any space can be re-demised as the need arises, and fixtures can be rolled away for overnight, seasonal storage, or to secure for hurricanes.
42″ high large wood movable wood planters with wheels create a separation between the food service area of an upscale outdoor restaurant and the dining area, expanding and improving the seating area.
Extra tall large garden planters on wheels create a calming space on a lush patio for an upscale grab-and-go eatery by reclaiming parking spaces. By placing the planters and other custom fixtures on hidden caster wheels, any space can be re-demised as the need arises, and fixtures can be rolled away for overnight or seasonal storage.
Mariner Wood Garden Planters with wheels are a practical solution to many operational and Lifestyle challenges. Created with DeepStream’s proprietary marine-anodized aluminum extrusions and hidden aircraft aluminum frame supporting a waterproof liner with advanced drainage, these movable planters meet the demanding commercial requirements of Landscape Architects, condominiums, hotels, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters, or cracking fiberglass planters, again and again.
Every solution is one-of-a-kind, yet there is never a custom or design fee. No assembly line here. Our efficient production system gives our craftsman pride of ownership, while providing custom flexibility and rapid delivery. This allows our workshop to pass on volume discounts that relate directly to cost savings in materials and setup times. Many of our commercial customers consider us an extension of their design and operations team, not an outside vendor.
DeepStream’s hidden structural aircraft aluminum frame makes it possible for large wood planter boxes on wheels to roll steadily on hidden stainless steel casters creating sturdy mount for this large outdoor TV.
Two stainless steel bolts mount each stainless steel caster to the structural frame of a planter on wheels, which also holds a large outdoor TV, making for a “bomb-proof” mounting installation.
Two Stainless steel bolts mount each stainless steel caster to the structural frame of a planter with wheels, which also holds a large outdoor TV making for a “bomb-proof” mounting installation.
DeepStream engineered its proprietary trademark aluminum extrusions using the principles of sustainable design to effect practical custom solutions to your operational challenges. Well-paid American craftsmen working in a clean, air-conditioned, well-lit workspace equipped with state-of-the-art tools, allow us to meet the requirements of our discerning customers with workmanship and materials that will endure for generations.
DeepStream’s large wood garden planters with wheels are engineered with hidden stainless steel caster wheels bolted to the structural aircraft aluminum frame which also supports the separate planter box and the waterproof planter liner with advanced drainage that prevents wood planters from rotting. Proprietary extrusion design and engineering make them as rugged as they are practical.
The DeepStream name is engraved on every proprietary anodized extrusion as a reminder that your success is our success. If our products don’t look good or function well at your site, then we don’t look good.
We partner with you by backing our solutions with a Lifetime Structural Warranty and DeepStream’s unique Core Replacement Program which replaces damaged parts at factory cost without any additional markup. The goal of our Sustainable Design approach is to provide the lowest total cost of ownership to both our customers and the environment over time.
We eschew the throwaway society approach: any part of a Deepstream solution is replaceable. We keep digital records of each item we craft to a tolerance of 1mm in 144″ inches so that damaged parts, or parts that allow our systems to adapt to other uses, can be ordered economically and, in most cases, shipped the next day.
Casters for other planters with wheels are mounted to clear polycarbonate sheet or reinforced aluminum sheet cut to fit under your planters.
Garden Planters with wheels crafted from Food-Safe HDPE Plastics rest on a recessed aluminum base that can be custom designed at any height to allow your planters to roll over door sills or obstacles, while remaining unobtrusive.
DeepStream’s modern Food-Safe Plastic Planters on wheels have a recessed aluminum base, so they don’t look much different from stationary planters.
To create cost-effective modern planters on wheels, DeepStream crafts a Lexan base with EZ-Roll stainless steel casters as you see on our installation at Rockefeller Center in New York (pictured below).
Ever wonder how Rockefeller Center transforms its ice-skating rink into the fabulous outdoor summer restaurant every year? Extra-large Planters with wheels make it fast and easy to set up, and allow the flexibility to scale and change seating depending on the time of day or the event.
Planters on wheels equal practical flexibility for restaurant and event space operation teams. These extra-large, modern, rectangular, and tapered outdoor planters with wheels create hedge walls to direct traffic and dividers between tables for a flexible floor plan at NYC’s Rockefeller Center Plaza, allowing it to host a variety of events.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
Large Wood Garden Planters, a complete landscaping system custom-built by American craftsmen to any size, and backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Don’t confuse this complete engineered,3 component planter system, for carpenter-built planters that will fall apart in 3-5 years. These are the Large Wood Garden Planters you are looking for. They will stand the test of time for decades, providing both you and the environment the lowest cost of ownership over time.
Large Wood Garden Planter Boxes use DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum legs and structural aluminum frame, with no paint or powder coating to fail, provide you and the environment the lowest cost of ownership over time, and are backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Our large wood garden planters are available both as stand-alone planters or money-saving extra-large or long modular planters built to any size in both natural 3/4″ thick tongue-and-groove solid tropical wood and environmentally friendly, maintenance-free, money-saving, UV-stabilized 100% recycled HDPE food-safe plastic lumber with a 50-year warranty.
Large Wood Garden Planters crafted with maintenance-free, environmentally friendly, money-saving, UV-stabilized 100% recycled HDPE food-safe plastic lumber with a 50-year warranty by its manufacturer.
DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized aluminum legs extruded from dies designed by our founder, and an aircraft aluminum frame engineered to ensure longevity allow the addition of options by design, not an afterthought, that no other planters can offer. We engrave our name on every proprietary extrusion, so if you don’t look good, then we don’t look good.
Decade-old Large Wood Garden Planters with separate food safe planter liners on a hidden structural aluminum frame provide a thermal break from solar gain, while also hiding drip irrigation and liners with advanced drainage systems. These self-contained planter systems provide the perfect environment for container gardening, even in the tropical sun and torrential downpours of up to 6” in a few hours. The separate waterproof planter liner also ensures that the wood planter box will never rot, while the anodized aluminum legs mean there is no paint or powder coating to fail. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
We engineered our planter system so that every part is replaceable, and partner with our customers by backing our planters with a Lifetime Structural Warranty and unique “Core Replacement Program” which provides replacement parts at direct manufacturer’s cost. We manufacture with computer-ensured accuracy of 1mm in 72″ and keep a digital archive of every piece so that, even years later, we can supply the exact part for your custom installation.
Large Wood Garden Planters crafted with maintenance-free, environmentally friendly, money-saving, UV-Stabilized 100% recycled HDPE food-safe plastic lumber with a 50-year warranty by its manufacturer, provide labor-saving protective parapet walls between terraces.
While we often supply a single planter to a homeowner for a balcony, many of our projects run into tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. We know that ordering a large installation of planter systems or screen walls can be stressful, as they are often ordered months before project completion, before as-built dimensions can be confirmed. Planters are often one of the last details to be installed before receiving your valuable C.O.
Since DeepStream’s large garden planters are built in America by individual craftsmen to an accuracy of 1mm per section, if variation in measurements in final construction vary from design plans we have the flexibility to overnight cost effective replacement components to ensure you project is completed on schedule and without embarrassing cost overruns.
DeepStream’s Large Wood Garden Planters are lightweight, allowing the roof to support the maximum volume of planting medium while staying within load limits, so that even olive trees like this one are possible on a roof deck. The separate planter liner hides the drip irrigation system and the wiring for the lights.
DeepStream offers more than garden planters and custom fixtures, we provide peace of mind and a guarantee of success to our customer. You are dealing directly with the principals of the company who have stood in your shoes with a background as developers, general contractors, project and property managers with thousands of installations and decades of experience on which to call. Working directly with us as part of your team eliminates distributor markups and confusion in the ordering process.
The hidden aircraft aluminum structural frame of DeepStream’s Large Wood Garden Planters, attached to our trademark marine-anodized extruded T- leg, supports a separate food-safe waterproof planter liner with advanced drainage that hides drip irrigation and wiring for lights. The modular nature of this engineered system allows for quick slide-in-easy assembly to construct planters of any size rectilinear shape without the need for cranes or permits.
Cost-effective modular installations of Large Wood Planters for Trees are made possible by the hidden 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum structural frame, attached to DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized extruded T-leg to construct planters of any size rectilinear shape. The planks of the planter box are contained by the aluminum channels in the legs, not held by fasteners, allowing it to expand and contract without tearing itself apart.
DeepStream designs and handcrafts its Large Wood Garden Planters in America using the principles of Sustainable Design to meet the demanding requirements of Landscape Architects, hotels, condominiums, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters again and again. There is no assembly line in our clean, air-conditioned, well-lit and expansive workshop with high tech tools, and hands-on American craftmanship with pride of ownership in each planter we build.
36″ Cube x 31.5″ H Large Wood Garden Planters with a rugged recycled plastic planter liner.
In addition to our proprietary marine-anodized aluminum legs and structural aluminum frame, DeepStream’s wood garden planters use a separate food-safe HDPE or LLDPE plastic planter liner with state-of-the-art drainage inside the outer box façade to ensure maximum durability, as the planting medium never touches the wood, preventing rot.
Cost-effective, lightweight square and rectangular stand-alone Large Wood Garden Planters are available up to 72″ long and to any height your project requires. Extra Large and Long Wood Planters use DeepStream’s proprietary L and T legs to build modular planters to any size or length.
DeepStream Designs handcrafts our Large Wood Garden Planters to order so we can build almost any stand-alone size from 18” – 72” long and 12” – 72” wide without custom or design fees. We stock three standard leg heights: 21”, 31” and 42″ and a maximum extrusion length of 144″.
Large Wood Garden Planters create an instant tropical sidewalk cafe in Miami. Many Restaurants prefer a raised planter box on DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum legs, or a movable Garden Planter on Wheels, to prevent health code violations. The look and cleanliness your customers see outside your restaurant directly reflect what they believe their service and food experience might be overall. We recommend no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber, as it will not absorb stains or graffiti, and may be pressure cleaned for sanitation, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
With their integrated aircraft aluminum inner frame supporting a waterproof liner, these large wood garden planters, unlike carpenter-built wood and fiberglass planters, will not only last for decades, but they are also highly adaptable. Built to any size or rectilinear configuration, they may be disassembled and reconfigured by subtracting or adding parts we can supply from digital archives of your specific planters.
Large Ipe Wood Garden Planters are possible with DeepStream’s unique aluminum frame, waterproof planter liners, and Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Handcrafted custom planters with wheels can roll, allowing for practical storage or flexible layouts. They can also be engineered to be moved with forklifts. They have been engineered to hold protective or privacy screen walls with no roof attachment, saving money and complexity.
Large Wood Garden Planters are an innovative, cost-effective way to divide large roof decks for different uses and create protective parapet walls, while reintroducing nature’s calming influence into the urban environment.
Our proprietary aluminum extrusions are marine-anodized for direct salt air exposure. There is no paint, powder coating, welding, or fasteners holding wood to fail. While there are volume discounts based directly on savings in materials and setup time, one large wood garden planter or 100, there is never a design or custom fee.
Planters with hidden lightweight modular structural aluminum frame, waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage, labor-saving drip irrigation, and wiring for lights are often used as parapet walls. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, your installation requires no crane, permits or special tools, and assembles slip-in-easy without skilled labor in minutes, leaves no cleanup, and will last for decades, providing the lowest cost of ownership to the developer and the environment.
DeepStream knows garden planters are an investment in the appearance of your property and ultimately the Earth. Using the principles of Sustainable Design, we handcraft our planters in America, and pay our craftsmen a good living wage by selling our Large Wood Garden Planters directly to you, eliminating needless distributor markup. We then back our planter systems with a Lifetime Structural Warranty, unlike the 1-3 year warranty of other companies.
The modular design of the lightweight structural aluminum frame creates modern Large Wood Garden Planters, complete with food-safe waterproof planter liners and advanced drainage. These very large planters were installed without the need of a crane or special equipment on the roof terrace of this historic urban Chicago building. Assembly time was only 20-30 minutes per planter with no mess to clean up afterwards.
This approach allows us to give back to the planet by planting 50 trees in our customers’ honor though Trees for the Future, which positively impacts both people and the planet through a four-year grassroots process that trains farmers to revitalize their land and become self-sustaining.
A fresh, creative approach to urban landscaping. Modern rectangular and square Large Wood Garden Planters with trees make an attractive natural safety barrier rugged enough for urban streets.
Our planters were created as a more durable alternative to poured-in-place concrete planters above grade, which can leak and create expensive structural damage, fiberglass planters, which can crack, or carpenter-built wood planters, which self-destruct in just a few years.
Modern Extra-large commercial Wood Garden Planters are a creative way to provide safety around steps between levels while deterring skate boarders.
Modern Extra-Large, and long, Wood Garden Planters are modular and are pre-assembled to ensure an exact fit before breaking down alternate sections to reduce shipping costs. DeepStream custom planters, with their structural aluminum frames, can stand alone or achieve a built-in look. Easy to place and assemble, even on rooftops, they take about 10 – 15 minutes per section once in place.
Developers, Architects, and Property Managers use modern, modular, self-contained, Large Wood Garden Planters to divide up large areas while adding cost-effective visual interest. They are a creative way to provide safety barriers between levels while creating a more natural, cooling, and attractive atmosphere for outdoor seating and dining areas. Property owners value the Lifetime Structural Warranty and that these planters will last for decades, providing the lowest cost of ownership for them and the environment over time.
Developers with large commercial projects and City governments choose DeepStream’s self-contained, rugged, Large Wood Garden Planters with planter liners to soften and quiet high-traffic civic courtyards.
Commercial Large Wood Garden Planters with gates anchor glass and wood screen wall enclosures to create an urban roof terrace garden seating area and dog park without roof penetrations.
Large Wood Garden Planters anchor glass and wood screen wall enclosures and parapet walls to form this apartment building’s roof top garden BBQ seating area. They also create what is many tenant’s favorite amenity: a fully enclosed dog park with double-gated entry compound for easy pet control. Despite its complex look, it assembles slide-in-easy in 15 -20 minutes per section with no skilled labor, roof penetration, or cranes required. Any section may be quickly removed for roof repairs, or expanded or reconfigured should changes be required in the future.
Large Wood Planters with gates create an animal control compound, anchoring a glass and wood screen wall enclosure to create a real dog park!
Using our proprietary marine-anodized structural aluminum extrusions of varying lengths, we create prefabricated lightweight modular Wood Garden Planters to anchor wood, aluminum, or glass panels that do not require attachment to the roof, so there is no need for roof penetrations. DeepStream’s unique aluminum frame is backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty and uses marine-anodized structural extrusions, so there is no paint or powder coating to fail. Buy factory-direct; there is never a design fee.
We love helping our creative customers develop practical solutions to their great ideas. This Developer created a distinct marketing advantage for the conversion of this historic building by turning an underutilized roof top into his tenant’s favorite amenity: a self-contained, tenants-only, rooftop dog park accessed from within the building. No need for nighttime or early morning walks in the neighborhood. Now it is BBQ and sunset cocktails on the roof, just steps from their apartments. Slide-in-easy assembly of custom prefabricated modular commercial Large Wood Garden Planters with gates anchor glass and wood screen wall without roof penetrations, and they can be disassembled and reconfigured if required.
DeepStream Designs handcrafts our Large Wood Garden Planters to order so we can build almost any size from 18” – 72” long and 12” – 72” wide without custom or design fees. We stock three standard leg heights: 21”, 31” and 42″ and have a maximum extrusion length of 144″.
Large Wood Garden Planters with taller back legs supporting screen walls are used by restaurants to create flexible outdoor seating areas.
Large Wood Garden Planters with taller back legs supporting glass screen walls and lights are used by restaurants to create flexible outdoor seating areas and extend the outdoor dining season, while attracting positive attention to their restaurant inside the building.
Planters with screen wall control access, quiet noise, attract positive customer attention and extend the outdoor season while creating additional seating for an upscale restaurant on a street plaza near a transportation hub.
Large Wood Garden Planters with wheels and planter liners planted with bushes create a movable modular glass screen wall for an upscale outdoor city restaurant.
Large Wood Planters built with DeepStream’s proprietary aluminum leg extrusions, allow the addition of glass screen wall as protective barriers and windbreaks, suspending locally sourced glass between shaped HDPE blocks. Caster wheels, trellis, and other protective screening options are available.
A flexible outdoor seating plan and extended outdoor dining season is made possible by this protective enclosure with lights formed by the proprietary aluminum extrusions that make it possible to create practical, movable Large Garden Planters with wheels that are mounted with glass screen wall.
Large Wood Garden Planters using DeepStream’s trademark aluminum planter frame system is engineered to mount screen walls, storage bench seats, and gates. These custom planters will outlast wood and fiberglass planters by decades without the custom price. Coordinating recycling and trash receptacles and other weatherproof restaurant fixtures available to match your design and operational needs.
DeepStream’s complete maintenance-free Large Wood Garden Planters are a system that can integrate aluminum screen wall and code-compliant planter-mounted gates to create an instant outdoor enclosure with a 15-minute assembly time for every two sections.
Large Wood Garden Planters with flowering screen wall and trellises create privacy and separate seating areas while allowing a flexible seating plan on this urban restaurant’s roof deck dining area.
Large Wood Garden Planters with taller back legs support an integral wood privacy screen and trellis.
Large Wood Garden Planters Anchor Security and Protective Screen Walls
Specified by the Architect, commercial Large Wood Garden Planters with planter liners and glass screen wall create a protective access barrier between a lounging area and pool, meeting the Life-Safety building code on the roof terrace of this upscale converted urban industrial loft condo.
Iconic structures need iconic planter designs. Architects rely on DeepStream’s modern Large Wood Garden Planters to create a low-key security entrance, with integrated glass security screen wall and stainless steel door, to fit the ultra-modern design criteria for Los Angeles International Airport’s iconic futuristic central hub, the Theme Building.
A great view like this can be a marketing advantage for a residential building or a restaurant on a rooftop terrace. DeepStream’s modern Large Wood Garden Planters, mounted with glass screen wall, allow you to create a protective parapet wall without blocking the views, penetrating the roof membrane, or needing cranes or special equipment. Installation time is about 15 -20 minutes per section including the screen wall.
Practical Large Wood Garden Planters on Wheels are possible as DeepStream’s planters are engineered with a structural aluminum frame.
Tall movable Commercial Large Wood Garden Planters on Wheels, crafted from maintenance-free recycled plastic lumber, are a perfect labor-saving way to separate lounging areas for privacy, while maintaining site flexibility and allowing proper cleaning.
A casual upscale restaurant on a tropical island uses tall movable very Large Wood Garden Planters on wheels to create a wall, showcasing the open kitchen while directing traffic to create a calm outdoor dining space under overlapping white umbrellas.
Movable, maintenance-free recycled plastic lumber commercial Large Wood Garden Planters on Wheels are a practical way to separate tables and soften urban environments naturally.
Creating custom sizes or adding options to a Large Wood Garden Planter, like turning it into a rolling base for this outdoor TV, is not an afterthought — we designed that capability into it. The engineering behind the Mariner’s structural aluminum frame provides the versatility to meet your individual needs without design fees or “custom” prices.
Landscape Architects create world-class roof terraces and sky plazas, and landscape large areas atop historic buildings, using DeepStream’s lightweight Extra Large Planters with structural aluminum frames, and modular planter liners with advanced drainage that hide drip irrigation and electrical wiring, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Specified by Landscape Architects, DeepStream’s lightweight extremely Large Wood Garden Planters, with our proprietary structural aluminum frame system and modular planter liners hiding drip irrigation and wiring, are used to lushly landscape expanses of Boston’s historic Exchange Place 12th story roof deck.
DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized structural aluminum corner extrusions and aircraft aluminum frame means there is no paint or powder coating to fail within five years. They stand up to harsh marine environments, as seen here, high above Boston’s harbor, with their timeless design bridging the architectural styles of the ultra modern and heritage buildings that form this spectacular 53 State Street 14th floor roof deck above the historic Exchange Building, overlooking the famous Customs House Clock Tower and the bay.
DeepStream’s extra Large Wood Planters with hidden aluminum frame and waterproof planter liners on Boston’s Historic Exchange Place 14th floor roof deck.
DeepStream’s unique 3-component system uses a proprietary hidden structural aluminum frame to create an independent façade with the planks, which hides the rugged waterproof liners inside. This design protects the root balls from overheating with solar gain, and hides an advanced drainage system, drip irrigation, and wiring for lights.
Studio photo showing a very Large Wood Garden Planter 21 inches high, created with DeepStream’s trademark proprietary structural aluminum frame with cross bracing in a U-shape, with the longest side 24 feet long by 16 feet on the ends.
A very Large Wood Garden Planter 31 inches high, created with DeepStream’s trademark proprietary structural aluminum frame with double cross bracing. The longest side is 18 ft. long by 12 ft. on the ends.
DeepStream is well-known by Architects and Landscape Architects as lightweight rooftop specialists. Our extr alarge landscaping planters and large commercial wood garden planters, of either tropical hardwood or recycled plastic lumber, are easy to install and even modify on site. They do not require fastening to the deck or through a roof membrane.
DeepStream’s extra Large Wood Garden Planters and extra large landscaping planters with drip irrigation and waterproof planter liners with advanced drainage on Boston’s Historic Exchange Place 14th floor world-class roof deck.
Your choice of materials.
DeepStream has two frame systems: the Audubon system can use any material, and the large garden planters you see on this page are built with the Mariner planter leg, which typically uses tropical hardwood or recycled plastic lumber planks.
Please discuss with clients the benefits of saving the diminishing resource of tropical hardwood for future generations by specifying 100% recycled HDPE plastic lumber. Our recycled plastic lumber (RPL) requires no maintenance, lasts for decades without fading, as it is UV stabilized, saves your clients money, and will look better over time than wood ever will. RPL planters may be pressure cleaned for sanitation, as DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized aluminum legs mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail.
All natural tropical hardwood planters will turn a light gray color and show stains and mold spots if not treated with a waterproofing and UV protector several times a year. This treatment will make all wood darker over time. Longer term, say 20 years or so, even Tropical Hardwoods will begin to succumb to mold in wet environments, degrading the outer finish if you don’t maintain them.
Given the time and expense necessary to keep natural hardwood looking good, and the damage done to the rainforests to harvest it, versus the “set and forget” ease of using environmentally friendly recycled plastic lumber, you should give serious thought to which you will select for your project.
Do the job once, do it right, and enjoy the lowest cost of ownership over time for both you and the environment with no hassle. The lightweight Liner-inside-a-Planter-box design of DeepStream’s Large Wood Garden Planters eliminates root ball solar gain and hides irrigation lines and waterproof liners, while softening parapet walls of roof terraces with landscaping. Created with no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber and anodized aluminum legs and structural aluminum frame, these Planters with Trellises are backed by Lifetime Structural warranty and will last for decades.
Square and rectangular Large Wood Garden Planters crafted from dark gray 100% recycled plastic lumber are often used to create parapet walls between terraces, or to divide large spaces.
If you do order natural hardwood with DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum extrusions, unlike carpenter-built planters, you know that your purchase will last for decades and not waste this precious resource.
Developers use DeepStream’s cost-effective modular commercial-grade Large Wood Garden Planters specified by Landscape Architects to control access naturally, while creating space for social interaction with ample room for safe physical distancing. The modular nature of the structural aluminum frame allows these planters to be easily assembled without skilled labor, and moved or reconfigured should needs change. With a Lifetime Structural Warranty and no-maintenance recycled plastic lumber boxes and anodized aluminum legs, they may be pressure cleaned, as there is no paint or powder coating to fail. DeepStream planters and receptacles last for decades, providing the lowest total cost of ownership for the project owner and the environment.
More Examples of Large Wood Garden Planters made with versatile, no-maintenance Recycled Plastic Lumber.
The roof terrace BBQ area of this Texas apartment building, with its built-in Large Garden Planters and modern Benches, is a favorite amenity of residents.
The modular nature of the 800 ft. long modern recycled plastic lumber Large Garden Planters and planter liners, surrounding the roof deck of the NFL’s mid-town Manhattan headquarters, allowed for the installation without needing cranes and permits. Slip-in-easy Installation time was 10-15 minutes per section.
The trademark marine-anodized legs, hidden aluminum frame, and rugged waterproof rotomolded LLDPE plastic planter liner, are strong enough to hold trees inside DeepStream’s 36″ square recycled plastic lumber Large Wood Garden Planters. 48” square Large Wood Garden Planters are also a common size used for trees.
Large Wood Garden Planters made with DeepStream’s proprietary trademark anodized aluminum legs and maintenance-free Recycled HDPE Plastic Lumber may be pressure cleaned as they have no paint or powder coating to fail. The hidden food- safe waterproof plastic planter liners, fitted with advanced drainage and drip irrigation, are the perfect labor-saving planter for container gardening at ground level or a roof terrace. Backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty, unlike the 3-year warranty for fiberglass planters with finishes that can crack and chip.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream Plastic Liners and 3-layer Drain Pads with TREMdrain & Biobarrier complete your Wood Planter
When selecting your outdoor garden planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter pads. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 proprietary stock plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs, and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
DeepStream commercial planter liners with advanced drainage.
Generally, more container-grown plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots and allow clay “fines” in all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream’s tapered stock planter liners with advanced drainage make them economical to ship and easy to replant and recondition roots.
Garden Planter liners prevent the soil from contacting the wood, preventing rot, while promoting drainage. The air space the liner creates between itself and the planter box prevents the root-ball from getting warmer than the ambient air. This space also allows you to hide drip irrigation lines and wiring for lights. The tapered shape reduces shipping costs, and makes root conditioning and replanting slide-out-easy.
Custom Planter Liners
DeepStream welds Waterproof Planter Liners to fit any size planter.
These Custom-Welded Modular Planter Liners for a large commercial roof deck landscaping project are equipped with hidden drainage and drip irrigation.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local weather, you may need to add more drains to your garden plantes. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls.
DeepStream’s advanced 3-Layer Drain Pad
Drain pads, when used in conjunction with clean 1-2 mm inorganic drainage material to slow the flow of the water to the drain, could prevent clogged drains for a decade or more in your garden planters. Biobarrier will not stop aggressive root systems like runner bamboo and Clusia.
The basic components of DeepStream’s 3-part advanced drainage filter pad: drain board, filter fabric and Biobarrier.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.
In keeping with DeepStream’s commitment to Sustainable Design and craftsmanship, we create square and rectangular commercial grade Aluminum Planters in a natural finish 5086 Marine alloy. We also wholesale popular, cost-effective aluminum planters manufactured from 5052 alloy and powder coated for us in any color a customer specifies.
Modern rectangular aluminum planters are available in heights from 16″ to 32″ and 10″ to 40″ wide and 32″ to 46″ long, with larger custom sizes available. Formed for rigidity and strength, thinner gauge aluminum is an economical option. Powder coated and painted planters are available in custom colors inside and out to meet your project specifications. All planters include 3/8” drain holes and sit on 1/2″ rubber feet to allow drainage and prevent corrosion, which can affect any painted surface.
Short or tall, fashionable powder coated round, rectangular, and square aluminum planters have clean modern lines.
Thinner, powder coated 5052 aluminum planters are a cost-conscious option that can be built to custom sizes in rectangular, square, tapered, or round shapes, with a folded-over lip for strength and rigidity, then given a powder coat finish in any color.
Aluminum planters are available in virtually any dimension allowing for interesting complementary and design contrasts, supporting modern architectural design. Modern aluminum Tower Planters available from 24″ to 40″ high.
Landscaping with modern powder coated aluminum planters is frequently used to highlight a modern building’s simple geometric architecture, while at the same time adding visual complexity and interest.
The simple modern forms of powder coated aluminum planters, juxtaposed with complex geometric architecture, are an artful way to anchor a building entrance with landscaping. Rectangular and square aluminum planters are available in heights from 16″ to 32″ and 10″ to 40″ wide and 32″ to 46″ long. Custom orders are welcome.
Whether you choose square, rectangular, round, or tapered planters, aluminum is one of the most common and durable elements on earth. While we highly recommend leaving Aluminum planters in their natural sanded aluminum finish, they may be painted or powder coated with any color.
The strength of aluminum over fiberglass makes it a good choice to contain trees and plantings with aggressive roots. Because aluminum is so easy to work with, it is an ideal medium for custom planters, so contact us for a quotation for your specific needs.
Nature softens the urban landscape inside these cube-shaped Modern powder coated Aluminum Planters.
Aluminum planters are relatively light, yet strong enough to landscape with trees. Modern aluminum, square Cube Planters from 16″ to 36″.Round Modern Aluminum Planters are as easily formed into square, rectangular, or complex shapes to meet your design needs. Round aluminum planters are 18″ to 24″ in diameter and 18″ to 32″ high. Custom orders are welcome..
Aluminum planters, landscaped with bushes or flowers, are a popular way to control access and create a sidewalk or plaza cafe. Modern rectangular aluminum planters are available in heights from 16″ to 32″ x 10″ to 40″ wide x 32″ to 46″ long. Custom sizes available.
5052 alloy aluminum is used in ship construction, so your planters will last virtually forever. Because aluminum is so easily and cost-effectively recycled, selecting aluminum planters are a more environmentally sound selection than wood, and are far more durable than fiberglass.
This Budget Price List gives approximate values for Costs, Dimensions, Volume, and Weight for modern powder coated Aluminum Planters. Aluminum is a volatile commodity subject to Trump Tariffs; call for current pricing.
Prices and warranty of Aluminum Planters are highly dependent on the alloy, thickness, and what finish you choose.
Many painted aluminum planters sold by others have no warranty at all. The powder coated aluminum planters we wholesale have a 5-year structural warranty, and either a 1-year or 2-year warranty, depending on which finish you choose. Painted and powder coated planters may be refinished by sanding, stripping, or media blasting, and then recoated. This may need to be done off site, entailing a considerable expense. Click here for printable PDF covering Wholesale Painted Aluminum Planter Warranty. Be aware that Trumps Tariffs on Canada may affect prices.
Unpainted “natural” 5086 aluminum planters manufactured by DeepStream have a 10-year structural warranty.There is no Trump Tariff on these planters. The natural finish will develop a deeper patina over the years providing even more protection, if you prefer the bright aluminum finish they may be easily and quickly refinished in place with a power sander. Bare aluminum planters should last for decades, provided they have not been exposed to hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, caustic soda, copper, or potassium, all of which have aggressive action on any aluminum. If you need to add any of those elements to your soil mixture for any reason, then you should also order a plastic liner.
DeepStream’s Square and Rectangular Modern Aluminum Planters are commercial Landscape Architect grade, made with 5086 3/16″ thick marine-grade aluminum, as used on yachts and commercial ships. They are the strongest and most durable aluminum planters available.
Elegant, durable, no maintenance, 3/8″ gusseted marine aluminum Restaurant Planters include liners with advanced drainage. No paint or powder coating to fail.
Elegant, durable, no maintenance, 3/8″ gusseted marine aluminum Restaurant Planters include liners with advanced drainage. No paint or powder coating to fail.
Elegant Durable No Maintenance Marine Aluminum Restaurant Planters.
While the total lifetime cost of DeepStream’s Aluminum planters will be many times less than that of painted aluminum planters, even if you only own them for 5-10 years, the initial cost is higher. It simply takes more labor to produce flawless unpainted aluminum planters, and the more rigid and expensive 5086 marine alloy we use is 3 times thicker than standard aluminum planters. However 5086 aluminum, left in its natural state, creates its own patina that protects it from oxidation in demanding marine environments for decades.
Do the job right and you do it once! These cube aluminum planters, 24″ long X 24″ wide X 24″ high, crafted from commercial-grade 3/16″ thick 5086 marine alloy will withstand the aggressive root system of this Clusia, while its natural finish will withstand the salty coastal environment for decades to come. DeepStream’s Recycled plastic lumber Mariner planter shown to the left of the cube is a perfect companion planter.
DeepStream’s natural finish 5086 Commercial Aluminum Planters can handle plants with aggressive roots like the Clusia above or runner Bamboo.
Custom modern large, 48″ long X 36″ wide X 24″ high, rectangular aluminum planters crafted from rigid 3/16″ 5086 marine alloy with a flawless natural finish that will last for decades, providing the lowest total cost of ownership over time. Planters may be ordered with 3/4″ or 1″ HDPE plastic foot pads attached by threaded aluminum studs.
Commercial Mini-Greenhouse Aluminum Planters
The self-contained aluminum raised planter bed greenhouse, is constructed with slide-up-easy panels using DeepStream’s proprietary trademark marine-anodized aluminum structural extrusions. Panels and removable roof are made with insulating Twin-Wall polycarbonate panels.
The commercial mini-greenhouse planter shown is 8′ long X 3′ wide X 2′ high, a cost-effective size, with 6′ uprights holding the sliding panels. The planter box can be custom sized to meet your needs, while uprights can be up to 12 feet high.
Panels may be replaced in the summer with an open mesh screen to keep out birds and other pests, while allowing bees and other pollinators to enter.
DeepStream’s trademark Audubon aluminum frame system allows the lightweight rigid Twin-Wall panels to lift easily with a convenient handle.3/16″ gusseted MIG-welded 5086 Marine Aluminum construction adds rigidity to the 2-foot high Mini-Greenhouse Aluminum Planter sidewalls.
Secure the 4 sliding panels with quick-release pins for effortless gardening, or the panels may be lifted completely out.
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
DeepStream’s advanced drainage pads: TremDrain Board improves drainage area and efficiency, filter fabric reduces drain blockage by silt and organic material, Biobarrier helps prevent root blockage.
Tips for improving Planter Drainage
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining mat