Garden Planters With Wheels, and internal liners with advanced drainage, make it easy for homeowners or businesses, like hotels and restaurants, to create flexible spaces.

Whether it’s a home, a condo with a balcony, or a business on a busy street, planters with wheels can be rolled inside after watering and soaking up the sun for indoor use, secured for the night, or for an impending windstorm.
DeepStream Designs’ Mariner wood garden planters with wheels have the casters mounted to a unique recessed structural aluminum frame, making them virtually invisible and “bomb-proof.” Restaurants use them to create movable walls to direct traffic, limit access, or mount screen walls for privacy and lights. DeepStream can also make it easy to add caster wheels to other wood, plastic, aluminum, and fiberglass planters.

Use garden planters with wheels, hand crafted in America from tropical hardwood or maintenance free recycled plastic lumber, to create a calming space for a sidewalk or parking lot cafe.

Create a lush patio for an upscale grab-and-go eatery by reclaiming parking spaces. By placing the planters and other custom fixtures on hidden casters, any space can be re-demised as the need arises, and fixtures can be rolled away for overnight, seasonal storage, or to secure for hurricanes.

Mariner Wood Garden Planters with wheels are a practical solution to many operational and Lifestyle challenges. Created with DeepStream’s proprietary marine-anodized aluminum extrusions and hidden aircraft aluminum frame supporting a waterproof liner with advanced drainage, these movable planters meet the demanding commercial requirements of Landscape Architects, condominiums, hotels, public buildings, businesses, and urban dwellers who cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters, or cracking fiberglass planters, again and again.
Every solution is one-of-a-kind, yet there is never a custom or design fee. No assembly line here. Our efficient production system gives our craftsman pride of ownership, while providing custom flexibility and rapid delivery. This allows our workshop to pass on volume discounts that relate directly to cost savings in materials and setup times. Many of our commercial customers consider us an extension of their design and operations team, not an outside vendor.

DeepStream engineered its proprietary trademark aluminum extrusions using the principles of sustainable design to effect practical custom solutions to your operational challenges. Well-paid American craftsmen working in a clean, air-conditioned, well-lit workspace equipped with state-of-the-art tools, allow us to meet the requirements of our discerning customers with workmanship and materials that will endure for generations.

The DeepStream name is engraved on every proprietary anodized extrusion as a reminder that your success is our success. If our products don’t look good or function well at your site, then we don’t look good.
We partner with you by backing our solutions with a Lifetime Structural Warranty and DeepStream’s unique Core Replacement Program which replaces damaged parts at factory cost without any additional markup. The goal of our Sustainable Design approach is to provide the lowest total cost of ownership to both our customers and the environment over time.
We eschew the throwaway society approach: any part of a Deepstream solution is replaceable. We keep digital records of each item we craft to a tolerance of 1mm in 144″ inches so that damaged parts, or parts that allow our systems to adapt to other uses, can be ordered economically and, in most cases, shipped the next day.
Casters for other planters with wheels are mounted to clear polycarbonate sheet or reinforced aluminum sheet cut to fit under your planters.

To create cost-effective modern planters on wheels, DeepStream crafts a Lexan base with EZ-Roll stainless steel casters as you see on our installation at Rockefeller Center in New York (pictured below).

If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.
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Tips for improving Planter Drainage
Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.
- When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
- Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog. DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
- DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached. Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
- Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains. Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
- Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species. Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water. Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season. For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.