Concrete Planters

High-quality Commercial Concrete Planters by Tournesol Siteworks are available in many distinctive styles, sizes, forms, and colors. Find out how GFRC, glass fiber reinforced concrete, makes these concrete garden planters lighter, stronger, and more durable than traditional concrete planters.

The Downtown collection of large high quality Concrete Planters have distinctive curves and soft corners that combine with their elegant proportions to create a contemporary flair. Here a tall round and shorter rectangular concrete planter flank a bright blue raised panel door and traditional floor to ceiling glass windows outside this traditional, Southwest residence.
Tournesol’s Downtown large high-quality Concrete Planters have distinctive curves and soft corners that combine with their elegant proportions to add a contemporary flair to any project, whether modern or traditional, commercial or residential. The Downtown Collection of Concrete Garden Planters includes a variety of round, square, and rectangular shapes that carry the distinctive proportions and are available in shallower round sizes useful for flower and color displays.

As a developer, general contractor, and planter manufacturer with thousands of installations spanning almost two decades, DeepStream understands commercial and homeowner needs for concrete planters.

A single, very large, brightly landscaped saucer shaped high quality commercial Downtown Concrete Planter, positioned in a complementary depression centered in front of the double steel rod gate entrance to a transit hub, creates a welcoming open-air entrance.
A single very large, brightly landscaped, saucer-shaped high-quality commercial Downtown Concrete Planter by Tournesol is a perfect way to create a welcoming open-air entrance.

DeepStream started as a customer of Tournesol while building one of our own residential projects. Now, almost two decades later, we have been a knowledgeable high-volume nationwide authorized distributor for more than 15 years. 

The traditional water-jar shape inspired range of Aquarian Collection of high quality Concrete Planters and Pots with a contemporary polished gray finish line a shopping plaza with a modern Mediterranean feel.
The traditional water-jar shape inspires the range of Aquarian Collection of high quality commercial Concrete Planters. Available in a highly polished finish to get the feel of an outstanding ceramic planter, or a more rustic textured finish for an older, ancient feel. The Aquarian’s elegant curves work in both commercial and residential spaces.
2 tall angular modern commercial Concrete Planters of the Harlie Collection of add visual interest on the patio of a professionally landscaped town house patio.
Concrete Planters in complex angular shapes make it easy to add a dramatic modern look to your residential and commercial landscaping projects, as shown by these tall, copper-colored Concrete garden planters designed by Luxxbox.

Tournesol Siteworks’ concrete planters have been specified by Landscape Architects, Contractors, and Builders for more than 35 years. These fiberglass reinforced Concrete Planters are lighter, stronger, and more durable than concrete planters made with standard cement. They are backed by a 3-year warranty.

The Florence Collection is Renaissance revival in terracotta colored high quality concrete planters and pots with rounded scroll-top. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design, imparting a Mediterranean influence on these 6 very large round and rectangular concrete garden planters, seen here on a pool deck.
The forms of the Renaissance are recreated with these rounded scroll-top terracotta colored high quality Concrete Planters and Pots. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design, imparting a Mediterranean influence to the very large round and rectangular Florence Collection of Concrete Garden Planters.
Extra-large, rounded rectangular, round, and cube shaped earthen colored Metro high quality Concrete Garden Planters landscaped with trees and flowering trellises fill a cobbled street and courtyard.
Extra-large, rounded rectangular, round, and cube-shaped earthen colored Metro high quality Concrete Garden Planters landscaped with trees and flowering trellises impart a village vibe to a modern cobbled street and courtyard.

DeepStream can supply your glass-fiber-reinforced cement (GFRC) Concrete Planters in a cost-effective manner, drawing from 8 distinct GFRC Concrete Planter design collections with 12 colors and 5 textures to chose from. With thousands of installations, DeepStream understands both commercial and homeowner needs. For one planter or 100+, knowledgeable service and volume pricing have made us a high-volume national distributor for commercial and residential GFRC Concrete Planters.

Zena Collection of high quality Concrete Planters, seen here grouped on a wood deck, have a pronounced, highly tapered design. The lightweight grey GFRC Concrete Garden Planters are durable enough for high traffic locations, yet light enough to be moved and are available in 12 colors.
Zena Collection of high quality Concrete Planters have a pronounced, highly tapered design. The lightweight GFRC concrete is durable enough for high traffic locations, yet light enough to be moved. Concrete garden planters and pots can be used as focal points for nearly any streetscape, adding a sleek style to urban environments.
A single very large beautifully landscaped saucer shaped commercial Arcade polished Concrete Garden Planter, placed on a granite pedestal centered in front of the double wood and glass paned  doors of a classic stone building, creates a dramatic entrance.
The timeless classic saucer form of this Arcade Concrete Planter creates a dramatic entrance and focal point for any building.

From Manhattan to Hawaii, you have seen these high-quality GFRC Concrete Planters everywhere.

Concrete Garden Planters are created with glass-fiber-reinforced concrete which has the look and durability of concrete, without suffering the associated weight. Unlike many concrete planters, there is no steel rebar inside to rust, swell, and split the planters open in an action called “spalling.” For more detailed information on way you want to avoid concrete planters planters with steel armatures read the information found in this blog post.

A plaza bench sits under a tree growing in the largest of 3 sizes of round, slightly tapered, very large high quality Concrete Planters. The Village series of Concrete Garden Planters is decorated only with an indented reveal just under the rim.
The Village series of high quality Concrete Planters ranges from large to very large for trees. Decorated only with an indented reveal just under the rim, these are a perfect example of “less is more” in landscape design.
A series of 3 Downtown cube shaped grey high quality Concrete Planter of varying heights and volumes makes bright and protective cluster for pedestrians on the sidewalk of a busy street.
A cluster of cube-shaped, grey, high quality Concrete Planters of varying heights and volumes from the Downtown Collection can be used to create a natural protective cluster for pedestrians or a bus bench on the sidewalk of a busy street.

By adding long-strand glass fibers to the conventional cement, the strength of the material increases while decreasing the thickness. Decreasing the thickness 60% (from typically 3” in cast concrete to 1” in GFRC) directly reduces the weight by the same amount. However these planters are still at least 10X heavier than fiberglass and wood planters, and are best used at street level.  They are often used as crash barriers or to block vehicles from parking or entering restricted locations.

Many long rectangular bronze colored Wilshire Concrete Garden Planters landscape a barrier between street and sidewalk with dark green tall grass as they line the walkway between commercial buildings.
The long rectangular modern shape of these Concrete Garden Planters is a universal form used by aluminum, fiberglass, and concrete planters as it looks great in almost every location. Simple, clean, modern lines equally at home on a sidewalk, the side of a building, or as a barrier at a parking garage.
Sleek, simple, and elegantly proportioned, the collection of Downtown round Concrete Planters enhance modern landscape and architectural design. These bright lime green extra-large Downtown Concrete Garden Planters, available in12 colors, are designed to be durable, even when used to block off traffic locations like this passenger drop off area.
Sleek, simple, and elegantly proportioned, the Downtown Collection of round Concrete Planters, available in 12 colors and 5 textures, enhance modern landscape and architectural design. These extra-large Downtown garden planters are designed to be durable, even when used to block off traffic locations like this passenger drop-off area.

If you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss your project, please call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 or email her at  Sheila has decades of experience to call on as a developer, general contractor, and property manager, with thousands of planter installations and remediation project experiences to help you with budget-saving ideas.  

With a modern grey color, clean crisp molded top edge, and double reveal at the bottom of these large cube and rectangular high quality commercial concrete planters, the Florence Collection, available in 12 colors and 5 textures, represents modern restrained Italian design. These extra large rectangular and cube concrete garden planters, landscaped with trees, bushes and ornamental grass add an Asian aesthetic to this elevated marble outdoor terrace.
With a modern grey color, clean crisp molded top edge, and double reveal at the bottom of these large cube and rectangular high-quality commercial concrete planters, the Florence Collection, in 12 colors and 5 textures, represents modern restrained Italian design. These extra-large rectangular and cube concrete garden planters, landscaped with trees, bushes, and ornamental grass add an Asian aesthetic to this elevated outdoor marble terrace.
In a rustic terracotta color, the Florence Collection, exhibited here on a hotel pool desk with red umbrellas and iron furniture, recalls the Renaissance revival in high quality Concrete Planters and Pots with rounded scroll-top. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design imparting a Mediterranean influence on these very large round and cube shaped Concrete Garden Planters seen here planted with trees.
In a rustic terracotta color, the Florence Collection exhibited here recalls the Renaissance revival in high-quality Concrete Planters and Pots with rounded scroll top. The round accents in the lower portion are an elegant addition to the design, imparting a Mediterranean influence on these very large round and cube shaped Concrete Garden Planters, seen here on an outdoor terrace cafe. Available in 12 colors and 5 textures.

You will find more examples of beautiful commercial GFRC Concrete planters on this blog post page.

Tournesol GFRC Concrete Planters have a 3-year limited warranty and are not covered by DeepStream’s Lifetime Structural Warranty or Core Replacement Program.

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Tips for improving Planter Drainage

Drain packs must be used in conjunction with a proper planting medium for container gardening, and inorganic filtering material to slow the drainage water so that any clay “fines” that could coat the geotextile will instead settle to the bottom of the liner below the side-wall drain.

  • When selecting your outdoor planters, keep in mind that drainage is critical to the health of your plants grown in containers, and it is very difficult to remedy after the fact. The design of the planter liner is one of the important components.
  • Generally, more tended plants die from drowning than from lack of water. “Old school” drain holes on the bottom and gravel drainage medium simply do not work and will quickly clog.  DeepStream elevates the drainage hole center approximately 2″ up the sides of your liners to provide a “reservoir” for the tap roots, but more importantly, that space allows clay “fines” present in all most all planting mediums to settle instead of clogging drain packs.
  • DeepStream pioneered modern drainage practices with side-wall drains and 3-layer drain filter packs. DeepStream places from one to three 3/4″ threaded drainage ports on its 16 stock proprietary plastic planter liners, to which various plugs, hose barbs and valves may be attached.  Liners are non-structural and are meant to be placed inside planter boxes.
  • Depending on your plants, planting mixture, and local climate, you may need to add more drains.  Additional drain holes can be added as required by drilling additional holes in the side walls with a hole saw bit. If additional threaded ports are needed we stock two-part watertight bulkhead fittings.
  • Planting mediums for container gardening are as varied as local climates and plant species.  Here in Florida, we can get 6” of rain in a day in the rainy season, so we need a quick draining material and we often add perlite. If you have a dry climate, you may need to add more vermiculite to retain water.  Since Florida also has a dry season where it my not rain for a month or more at a time, we use drip irrigation, as the planting medium we use for the rainy season dries out far too quickly during the dry season.  For more in-depth information on drip irrigation, drainage, and the many aspects of container gardening check the Helpful Resource Links to listed at the bottom of this page.

Need important information on Selecting Planter Liners before you purchase? This blog post will help.

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